Page 201 of Survival is Hard

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“I need your help,” Kai repeats, keeping his voice low despite the fact that my bedroom is just as soundproofed as his is. In fact, I’d argue my room is even more protected against snoopers than any other room in the house.

“Name it.” I kick back in my chair, resting my feet on the small stool underneath, and raise an eyebrow at my brother when he doesn’t name it. “Kai? I can’t help you if I don’t know what you need.”

“This is going to seem far-fetched.” He seems so vulnerable here, a genuine tenseness to him, as he once again checks the door. He seems like a conspiracist, scared the government is going to hear him sharing trade secrets.

It’s amusing, but it only proves that I’ve definitely come into this conversation with the wrong kind of energy. I lose the relaxed position and sit up properly, resting my elbows on my knees.

“Tell me.”

“I never liked Lainey,” Malachi says, and I sigh. Is this really what we’re going to be talking about? “Look, I get it, I’m an asshole. But can we not sit here and judge me? Can you just listen to me before telling me how scummy I am?”

I nod, vowing to stay silent. Not because I think my brother is scummy, but because I can see how much he’s struggling with whatever he needs to share. I can hear how vulnerable he is, how badly he needs to get whatever is on his mind, off of it.

“She came into his life by storm and took him from me,” Kai says, glancing around at my room rather than looking at me. “And no matter how badly I tried, she kept her stupid claws into him, and he couldn’t see past their bond. I get it, I really do, but it just didn’t seem right.”

“What didn’t?”

“She freaked out the first time she met me,” Kai says. “Had some excuse about how tigers abused her, and so on, and, of course, why would anyone doubt her? She was an orphaned tiger who probably had a really shitty time growing up with wolves.”

“Right,” I say, trying to ignore the genuine disgust in his tone when he talks about wolves. Our mate is a wolf, and she’s the most perfect creature I’ve ever met.

“But then I never saw her again,” Kai says, turning to me now with the aha kind of tone. “Cevon pulled away massively and spent the time he was with us all talking about how he’s leaving to join her pack.”

“I remember.”

“But there is no pack,” Kai says, and my heart stops for a moment as his words wash over me. “I tried to find information about where she was going to be taking him, the kind of life he’d be living, but I couldn’t find evidence that pack ever existed.”

“What the fuck?”

“And I’m nowhere as talented as you,” he says, giving me a small smile. “I used some contacts to go and investigate, but they couldn’t find much. I tried to find information on her adoption, but there was no paper trail.”

“What the fuck?” I repeat.

“Everything she told us, everything Cevon told us she said… seems to be a lie,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. “Or at least, it’s a lie on paper.”

“What the fuck?” I sound like a broken record here, but I have no other words.

“Cevon has made her into this untouchable thing in her death. He’s practically immortalised her, made her into this saint,” Kai scoffs, glaring at me, although I know his anger isn’t directed my way. “But she was a toxic snake when alive, and I won’t allow her to continue ruining my life when dead.”

I just gape at him, the information extremely surprising.

“I just find it coincidental that she died as they left, but Cevon wasn’t hurt. That they took out his mate, but didn’t think he’d try and get retribution?”

“I mean, no… not until you mentioned it.”

He nods. “I’ve been trying to look into things a little since he’s been back, but it’s been hard when I don’t have the skills you do. I’d ask Voss, but he’s busy dealing with Seb, and Atticus isn’t really in the mindset to help.”


“So… please?”

“I’m the last resort,” I say, but it’s a joke. My mind is already whirring as I try to make a plan on where to begin.

“Will you help?”

I turn away from him and power up my computer as a plan comes into play.

“Micah!” Kai snaps, his angry tone barely affecting me. I grab my pen and paper and jot down a few things as I key in my password.
