Page 203 of Survival is Hard

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I gasp, and she hangs her head in shame. “They? You survived multiple mates rejecting you?” She sobs now, misunderstanding me, as the waves of self-hatred hit me. “Fucking hell, babe. I barely survived one man rejecting me.”

Her head snaps up, a look of shock on her face, tears still dripping down her cheeks as a hesitant look fills her eyes, and I smile softly. She’s out of her depth, and I want to help her.

“Want some tea? We might have some alcohol, but I don’t drink so…”

“I’m pregnant,” she whispers, shaking her head. “So no drinking for me, either.”

“Fuck,” Atticus roars, stepping back from me.

Ari flinches, but I just walk out of Atticus’s arms and lead her through to the kitchen. Voss and Atticus need to talk, and me and my brand new friend—well, membership still pending on her end I suppose—need away from the drama.

It’s a good thing Cevon’s not here today, though. He had to go to his in-person meeting, and despite not being happy about leaving me behind, we both know I’m safer here.

He did promise to come back, though, so I’m reassured.

But, yeah, the last thing Ari needs is to be in the middle of two brothers fighting.

* * *

“Elephants go into heat like most shifters,” she says softly, glancing down at the honey tea in front of her. We had to check honey was safe in pregnancy before I added it, but, thankfully, it is. “And they... they helped me through mine. They were my mates, and I just… I thought this was it, you know?”

I nod, rubbing her back. She’s so fucking strong.

She’s twenty-five, a year older than me, and found her mates literally less than a week before her heat started. I don’t understand what she meant by that’s not how it usually goes with elephants, but she knew she needed their help.

“But once I came out of the heat, I realised I had no bonds,” she continues, looking down at her hands. “It’s weird, going into heat. You sort of lose yourself, not being aware of anything more than… sex.”

“Cock, you mean,” I tease, and she laughs and nods.

“I mentioned it almost immediately once I became lucid, and that’s when they rejected me.”

I gasp.

“One by one,” she continues, looking down at her coffee cup with a deep sadness. “All of them decided to cut ties. I didn’t understand why, and it fucking killed me. My elephant was furious, then angry, and now… she’s only alive because of the baby we’re carrying. If they didn’t manage to knock me up, I think I’d be dead by now.”

I squeeze her hand, and I’m glad I shared my story with her so she knows I get it.

“They’re dead to me,” she says with a small rub of her stomach.

“I wish I was that fucking smart,” I mutter, and she raises her eyebrows. “My ex-mate came to Atty for help… and I told Atticus to help.”

“Aw, babe.”

“He mated my sister.”


“And she’s pregnant, too,” I continue.

“Fucking hell,” she groans, shaking her head. “Well, I can promise you I’ll not hit her up for some morning sickness tips.” I snort, and she sighs. “We’re a fun pair, aren’t we?”

I laugh.

“Hey,” Atticus murmurs, coming into the room on soft footsteps. He stands at my back and drops a kiss to my temple before smiling at Ari. “I’m sorry for upsetting you before.”

“Don’t be,” she says, shrugging. “Thank you for answering my call.”

“I told you that if you ever needed out, I would help. I might not have picked up the call, but Voss is good people,” Atticus replies. “Now, I know this might not be the best time, considering everything, but we’ve got to pick out your personal guard. I’ve got a few different people coming over soon for you to choose from.”
