Page 208 of Survival is Hard

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And if he and Atticus weren’t at each other’s throats, maybe the pair of them could be at mine instead.

“You’re a fucking pathetic son of a bitch,” Cevon hisses, glaring at Atticus.

“What’s going on?” I ask, glancing between them both. Atticus is very amused, and Cevon’s one insult away from shifting. His lion is agitated, and that’s not something you can notice happening a lot with Cevon.

If the human is agitated, it’s very easy to tell. But if the animal is agitated? Cevon buries that shit deep down so he doesn’t need to acknowledge it.

“Why don’t you ask your mate?” Cevon sneers, turning his glower my way. “Whilst I’ve had to shift here from the middle of a fucking road, you’ve been here getting it on with the man who tried to kill me.”

“Oh, don’t be dramatic,” Atticus says, rolling his eyes. “You were whining about needing to arrange time off for Nora’s heat, and I gave it to you.”

And, sure, I’d maybe buy that, except Atticus sounds so full of shit.

I turn back to him and grip his chin, causing his eyes to darken as he looks my way.

“What did you do, Atty?”

“I may have blow-up his car,” Atticus says, and I groan, loudly. “What? I was just—”

“Being a pathetic fucking cunt,” Cevon roars. “You fucked everything. I was twenty minutes late for my meeting, I had three people demand to know what’s happening, and I had to kill someone.”

“You had to kill someone?” I demand, feeling a little sick. The feeling has nothing to do with the fact that I’m on my period and everything to do with the fact that Cevon’s taking innocent lives, and, somehow, it’s Atticus’s fault.

“I’m not the good guy you think I am, Nora,” he says, shaking his head when I go to argue. “I’ve killed people.”

“Yeah,” I say quietly. “Bad people.”

“No,” he says. “I’ve killed shifters, Nora. I’ve not just killed bad humans. I’ve killed my own kind.”

Atticus scoffs, but I ignore him. This is between Cevon and I.

He asked me in the car on the way up here to ignore anything bad that is said about him, has repeatedly told me that he’s not a good person, that he’s a villain.

He’s never once lied.

I just chose to look past it all.

And I still will. He’s done everything he has for a reason. I might not agree with it, I might even think he’s disgusting for doing it, but he’s my mate, and I vow to stand by his side.

“I’ve done everything I’ve had to do to maintain my cover,” Cevon says, sitting down in the arm chair, regarding me with a cool look. Like me, he’s ignoring Atticus. “If that meant killing a shifter who tried to infiltrate the hunters, I’ve got no shame in that. If that meant murdering a couple of foxes who thought they could outsmart me by working together, well”—he shrugs, his scent completely unbothered—“at least they died together. I couldn’t be outed.”

My face falls so quickly at his words. But when his eyes harden, the green and blue hues darken, I know the demons within him are trying to put him down, to try and make this situation a hundred times worse in his mind.

My mate has done some bad things.

Bad things he clearly doesn’t regret.

But that doesn’t make him all bad.

It just means he’s a little screwed up.


My wolf nods, approving my message, and it’s a dark day for me when I actually accept her comfort.

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