Page 58 of Survival is Hard

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My life is weird, but it’s mine, and I’ve got to fight if I want to continue living it.

And I do.

I think.

So, fighting it is.



“Okay, we’re going out now,” Mal says, waving goodbye to everybody. He tugs on my arm, dragging me from the sofa with an excited glint in his eyes, and I can’t begrudge it.

There’s some groans, and moans, but the guys are more interested in their game of cards than my disappearance.

“Do I not even get the chance to say goodbye?” I ask, smirking at him when he closes the door to the cabin. He shakes his head and shoves my coat at me. He grabbed it on the way out, and pulls his own on, too. He’s full of impatience and is tapping his foot as I pull my jacket on.

I know he’s excited, but it’s winter for fuck’s sake. I don’t want to freeze.

“Nora, baby, if you sit there and try and even give them even an inch, I guarantee they’re going to follow.”

“And that will be bad because?” I ask teasingly. He just growls, and it makes me laugh. He’s not in the sharing mood, right now, and it’s actually adorable.

His little possessive snarls have been occurring all morning until he just snapped.

“I’m excited for this,” I say, squeezing his hand, and he grins. Some of the impatience fades out of his face.

I won’t allow his possessiveness to last long because I’ve got six mates, and they all deserve time. But if Mal, or even one of the others, need moments where I’m just theirs, then I can absolutely give them that.

“Good, me, too.”

I feel a bit better this morning, which is something that makes me really happy because after yesterday, and the way I was feeling so low, well, I didn’t think I would. And I’m glad that this morning I’ve got at least a bit of energy, and I’m not ruining the last of the weekend. We’re heading back home later on this evening, so I’m glad I got to enjoy the last day at the cabin.

This little pack retreat has been amazing, even with my lows, but like most of the group, I am excited to get back to our home in the city.

Atticus woke up and said he had some work to do, so Orson set up his laptop in one of the spare rooms. The wifi isn’t the greatest so he couldn’t hop on the call he wanted to, but he’s managing to at least respond to emails.

The others are all playing cards in the living room, their game of switch getting very intense, and it lead to Mal and I deciding to go out. He made it very clear that the invite wasn’t for anyone but me, but the others didn’t seem upset about it.

We head out to the minibus, since we’ve got no cars here, and once we’re buckled up, Mal turns to me with a smile.

“What?” I ask, raising an eyebrow at the cheeky glint in his eyes.

“What are we doing then?” he asks. I pause for a second before bursting out laughing. “What?” he asks, a touch of indignance in his tone.

“Did you not plan anything?” I ask. “What happened to the whole oh, Nora, I’ve got something fun for us to do, let’s go shtick?”

“That was a lie,” Malachi says, completely unashamed of the fact that he conned me. I narrow my eyes, and he shrugs. “What? I just wanted some time with you. Is that so bad?”

I smile, giving him an indulgent look, but I know I shouldn’t because it only encourages him. It’s not my fault he’s too sweet.

“Are there any brochures or anything?” I ask, still determined to spend some time with him despite the fact that he swindled me. He had an ambitious goal, getting us both out without a tag-along, and actually succeeded. Whilst I’ll not give him a point, I’m absolutely going to do something with him. “Maybe we can go on a walk or something.”

“There’s an activity centre further up,” he says, starting the minibus. “It’s only a twenty minute drive. We can find something to do there.”

“Let’s go there then,” I say, when he doesn’t move.

He seems to be struggling with something, and it doesn’t take a genius to understand what. Malachi is one of my men who doesn’t just open up about his feelings.
