Page 129 of Baby's First Howl

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The sight of Topher using baby voices as he talks to Phoebe is adorable, but my frown is prominent as I give him a dirty look.

“Don’t be mean to Seb or Kane. They’re hurt,” I lecture, reaching out tentatively to brush Seb’s hair off his forehead. He’s not too warm, but he’s clearly not breathing very well. “He was injured, Topher.”

Topher snorts, rolling his eyes. “Oh, that’s hilarious. He’s barely got a scratch, Maia.”

“Don’t be jealous, brother,” Kane taunts with a smirk on his face. He rests his head on the back of the sofa, letting me fawn over him. “I was hurt. I’m in a lot of pain.”

“I’ll get you some meds to help,” I say, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek. He preens under my touch. “I don’t—I can’t do anything about your chest. Should we... will it...”

“It’ll heal,” Kane soothes, turning his head to look at me. “I’d like the pain relief, though, little love. You are so nice and kind to me in my pain.” He pouts, and I give him a chaste kiss, not wanting to hurt him.

I promise I’ll be right back and rush through to the kitchen. It’s exactly how we left it. Three pizza bases all prepped and ready for their toppings, and the last bits of dough waiting to be shaped. We’ll need to get those finished before Alex and Ben get home.

That can wait, though.

I grab the pain relief tablets from the cupboard and fill up a glass with some orange juice before walking through to the living room where the brothers are engaged in a silent argument.

Phoebe is no longer in Topher’s arms and is instead in her wolf form down on the floor. She’s having the best time, and I’m trying not to think about what happened to her dirty nappy with her in this form.

That one, I’ll let the magic of the shifting forms handle.

My human brain cannot grasp the logic.

Topher is giving Seb a dirty look, and I get the feeling their argument is not going well.

Seb no longer has bright green eyes, so it’s hard for me to determine if it’s him or Kane who is in control of their body right now. I offer him the juice, but he takes the tablets dry and closes his eyes for a brief moment.

I sit back down next to him and watch Phoebe play with one of her balls. She bats it around with her paws, and then chases it, letting out excited yips as she runs. There’s no hesitation in her movements anymore, just playful energy from the pup.

She’s adorable, her grey fur catches the light in such pretty ways, and I love seeing the way she develops.

“You let him go?” Topher asks. I can’t tell if he’s annoyed or not.

“I had no choice. He got to the boundary of his pack lands,” Seb mutters. The wound on his chest has stopped bleeding now, I think, but the skin still looks raised and sensitive. I wonder if it’s possible for it to scar.

“You found him?” I ask, confused. Kane nods. “Where were you? Did you chase him from home or what?” I look over at Topher, scrunching my face up, before looking at Seb. “How did you find him?”

“I cut him off,” Kane says with a grin. “I told you, little love, this is the part I’m good at. I just followed his trail.”

“Did he smell like his usual self?” Topher asks, and Kane gives a nod. “Well, that’s both disturbing and not.”

“Why is it disturbing?” I ask with a frown. Isn’t that a good thing, since it means that they can track him properly?

Phoebe yips, racing over to me, and howls once she’s at my feet. She jumps up on the sofa, nudging my hand as best she can, despite her tiny size. I look around, trying to find the issue, and grin when I see that her ball is stuck.

The weirdness of my life means I don’t even think this is that weird as I get up to grab it from where it got stuck underneath the arm chair.

I softly roll it for her, and she licks my arm before chasing after it once more.

Maia Blake, the human mother to a werewolf baby. Something that should be crazy but is weirdly my norm.

“Because someone should’ve noticed his scent,” Topher replies, and I startle, completely forgetting I even asked a question. “We’ll need to figure out how he got onto pack grounds and how he got here without anyone noticing because it should not be possible.”

“I’m on it,” Seb says, pushing up from the sofa. I grab his arm, giving him a dirty look.

“You’re hurt.”

“I need to protect you and Phoebe, little love,” Kane murmurs, his tone dripping with honey as he sits up properly. “You’ll stay here with her and Topher, and I’ll figure out what is going on, okay?”
