Page 86 of Flurry

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“Just like that,” I ask.

“Are you happy? Do they make you happy?”

“Yes,” I say with a huge smile.

“Do they treat you with respect?”

“Yes, Dad. Of course.”

“Then just like that,” he says. “Don’t think you get special treatment, Fane.”

“I wouldn’t dare, sir.”

“You got a problem with your kid sister dating your best friend,” he asks Isla.

“No, Zan is family. And Damian is great.”

“I’m likely to have a lot of questions,” he says. “Just know that it’s because I want to make sure my daughter is getting the best in life. If I find out otherwise is happening, I’m not opposed to physical violence.”

Damn hockey players, always ready for a fight.

“Neither of us wants anything but the world for her,” Zander says. “I can promise you that, Coach.”

“We’ll take good care of her,” Damian adds.

“Then let’s eat some dinner, I’m starving,” Dad says after a beat and a nod of his head.

“You’re always hungry,” my mom huffs.

“Callie doesn’t know yet,” I say, moving to help my mom take food out of the oven.

“Okay,” my dad says. “I won’t ask my questions at the dinner table then.”

Dinner goes off without a hitch. Dad has Damian sit beside him so they can speak easier. He’s known Zander since he was a teenager, but Damian is fresh blood. He’s not uncomfortable under the barrage of questions, though. Several times, I try for eye contact to make sure he’s doing okay, but he’s engrossed in whatever subject they happen to be on at the time.

“Seems like Coach might like your new friend even more than you do,” Cillian says to me.

“I should be happy about that, right?”

“Better they’re insta best friends than your dad clocking him on the jaw.”

“Ah, you still sore about that,” I tease him. My dad once punched Cillian. Twice.

“Nah, we all know I needed it.”

“Yeah, you did, Superstar,” my sister agrees.

After dinner, Mom ushers us all into the family room for presents. Sadie gives me a card she made herself, it has a picture of a sun shining on flowers. She’s written her name and mine under two stick figures. It might be my new prize possession, and I tell her smiling face just that.

Mom and Dad give me what is normal for them, a fat check safely tucked away in a new beautiful handbag that they know I’ll love but would never splurge on myself.

Cillian and Isla gift me a new tablet.

“Easier to pack when you travel,” Isla says.

“Thank you, I love it,” I tell her. Though travel is rare for me these days.

“Careful, this one’s heavy,” Zander says, pushing a large box toward me. I open it to find a bright sparkly pink bowling ball nestled inside a matching bag emblazoned with my name.
