Page 66 of Redeeming 6

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“A peephole.”


“This is your big secret?”

Grinning, I nodded. “You want to see?”

Joey stared at me for a long moment before blowing out a breath and shrugging. “Yeah, fuck it. I want to see.”

“It’s down here.” Taking his hand, I placed it between my thighs and laughed when his fingers grazed me there. “Feel it?”

“That’s not a peephole, Molloy,” Joey muttered, pulling back to get a better look. “There’s nothing there.”

“I know.” Clapping with delight, I lifted up on my knees to give him a proper look. “Crotchless knickers, Joe. What an incredibly useful invention, huh?”

“You know, sometimes I don’t know if you use me as a soundboard for the crazy shit that goes on in your head or as an accomplice,” he admitted, thoroughly investigating my ensemble. “I’m down for either, by the way.”

Thrilled that I had managed to coax him out of his bad mood, I took my chance and capitalized. “Want to know something else?”


“You’re a diamond, Joey Lynch.” Cupping his face between my hands, I leaned in and kissed him tenderly. “You’re one in a million.”

“Oh Jesus.” He chuckled against my lips as he reached up and knotted his hand in my hair. “Should I be worried about where this is leading?”

“Nope.” Shaking my head, I exhaled a contented sigh and pushed on his shoulders until he flopped down on his back. “Just wanted you to know that you’re someone’s favorite person in the world.”

“Don’t get soft on me, Molloy,” he teased, but I could hear the emotion he was trying to hide in his voice.

Smiling, I leaned in close and kissed him again. This time, I wholeheartedly let myself get caught up in the moment, in the feel of his lips on mine, his hands on my body, skin on skin.

“You’re someone’s favorite person, too,” he whispered a little while later, when he rolled me onto my back and settled between my legs.

“Oh really?”

He nodded. “Don’t want to do this whole life gig without you, Molloy.”

“You won’t ever have to,” I replied, reaching between our bodies to free his erection. “You’ll always have me, Joe.”

“I’m going to hold you to that,” he whispered, pushing deep inside of me.


Food Runs and Future Discussions


It was Sunday night, Molloy was naked in my bed, sleeping soundly with her head on my chest and one of her legs draped over my thighs, and all I could think was I can’t get deep enough inside of this girl.

It was a strange way to feel, considering I hadn’t spent much time out of her since last night, but I felt it anyway. She had one of her random mix-CDs playing in the background, and as I listened to the Goo Goo Dolls’ “Iris,” I found myself considering something I’d never given much thought to before.

The future.

With one arm behind my head, and the other cupping her cheek, I stared up at my bedroom ceiling, deep in thought. We had a little more than three months until we sat our leaving cert exams. Afterward, there would need to be a discussion where we both laid our cards on the table and decided if they aligned with the other’s.

Would her plans for the future match up with mine?

If they didn’t, could we make it work?

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