Page 286 of Binding 13

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I was too caught up in her.

“I thought you liked me.”

Well, fuck me, my heart just about cracked when she said those words.

“What did you do, Johnny?” Gibsie pushed, dragging me from my thoughts.

“I did it again,” I admitted.

He eyed me warily. “You drove her home again?”

Nodding, I released a strangled groan. “Except this time, I went one further and forced her into taking a spin home after school.”


“I literally picked her up and put her in the fucking car, Gibs.” Expelling another frustrated breath, I sagged back in my seat and groaned. “With my ma.”

He laughed. “You are an idiot.”

“I know,” I groaned. “And then Ma did what she does best.”

“She meddled,” Gibsie filled in knowingly.

“Brought her over to the house.”

Gibsie’s brows shot up. “Your house?”

“Oh yeah,” I hissed, still feeling bitter. “Then she went and gave me the talk.”

Gibsie shuddered. “Oh, Jesus.”

“I know, lad.” I shook my head, forcing myself to concentrate on the road. “It was brutal.”

“Where was Shannon when this talk was going on?”

“That’s the worst part,” I replied with a grimace, as I indicated the school ahead. “Ma decided it would be a wonderful idea to make Shannon take a bleeding shower.” I cast him an evil glare. “Another one.”

“Are you shitting me?” Gibsie snickered.

“I shit you not,” I bit out, turning up the familiar laneway to Tommen. “Ma also thought it was a fabulous fucking idea to take Shannon’s wet clothes and put them in the dryer.”

“Stop. I can’t. This is too priceless.” He threw his head back and howled laughing. “Mammy Kavanagh’s a better wingman than I am!”

“Focus, Gibs!” I barked as I pulled into the car park. “It was bad. Really fucking bad.”

“How bad?” he asked.

I drove into my usual parking spot and killed the engine.

“How bad, Johnny?” Gibsie coaxed.

Exhaling a pained growl, I turned in my seat to face him. “She kissed me.”

Gibsie eyes lit up. “Yeah?”

I nodded. “On my bed. In a towel. Looking like a fucking wet dream. She just fucking put her mouth on me, Gibs.”

“In a towel?”
