Page 27 of His Lucky Babygirl

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“You sound like Lexi.”

“Three times a week you let him tie you down for hours. If you get some orgasms from it…Mel, you’re living some submissive’s dream.”

“Oh stop, it’s work.” Melody stood from the table and finished her drink. “Speaking of, I better go see what the next project is.”

Hunched over his work bench, Wes sanded the rocking horse base. Putting his head into work kept him from thinking about Melody.

His mind was an evil son of a bitch.

Every time he closed his eyes her sweet smile would be there.

Her bright green eyes begging him for more.

Wes’ last session with Melody had taken a turn and she’d since haunted his dreams.

“Come touch me, Daddy.’

“I'm going to chase you down and fuck your ass so full of cum your belly swells."

“You can't catch me, Daddy."


The way the word fell from her lips shouldn’t make his cock throb with the thought of her crying out under him when he forced her to take another inch.

‘That’s it, be a good girl for Daddy.’

A soft knock pulled Wes from his thoughts as he turned to the door.

Melody peeked her head around the frame and smiled when she saw him. She wore a black sundress with sunflowers, her flats clicked on the concrete. She closed the door behind her.

“Hey, I thought I’d find you here.”

“Didn’t think I’d see you today.” He set the sanding block down, dusting his hands off on his jeans. “I thought I scared you off.”

“I keep thinking about the other day,” She paused, balling up her courage and holding onto it. “I know we didn't talk much after…”

Admittedly they hadn't. He finished their session and they scattered like opposing magnets.

What was there to say after violating the babysitter and upsetting the careful balance they'd built.

“It was a lapse in judgment, it shouldn’t happen again.” His words were forced which made Melody push more.

“Was it? Because that's not what it felt like.”

Wes studied her as she wrung her hands together and moved around the room. “What did it feel like, Mel?”

Melody stopped and met his eyes. “Like a dam burst, washing everything away.”

He resisted the urge to invade her space and Wes closed his eyes, taking a calculated deep breath.

Melody walked to the back table, setting her bag where she always did and slipped off her shoes.

“It was something alright.”

She twisted her hair up and walked over to the ballet bar he’d finished. Melody ran her hand over the bar, dragging her fingers over the smooth wood as she walked.

“Is this what you wanted to work on next?” Melody stopped and gripped it with two hands. She bent at a ninety degree angle and her skirt rose up her thighs.
