Page 104 of Sweet Collide

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The mouthwatering scent of eggs and bacon has me stirring awake. For a moment, I think I’m dreaming. I pop one eye open and immediately sit up, scanning the area.

I’m on Aiden’s couch, with a blanket wrapped around me. He hadn’t woken me last night when I fell asleep watching the movie. He took care to ensure I was comfortable, though, and I was.

That gesture warms me from the inside.

“Wakey wakey, Sleeping Beauty. Breakfast is almost ready.”

I blink several times, completely confused by what’s occurring. I’ve never seen Aiden cook here, and definitely not for me.

I wipe the sleep from my eyes. “I’m supposed to be doing these things for you,” I say, and he smiles.

“You were sleeping pretty peacefully. I didn’t wanna disturb you.”

“That’s my job.”

He half rolls his eyes. “You’ve taken such great care of me, Cassidy. It’s the least I can do.” He flips bacon on the stove, looking like he’s done this a thousand times.

“If you want to get ready, it’ll be done in a couple of minutes.”

I jump from the couch, rushing toward the back to get my toothbrush and a few other accessories to pull myself together. I chance a glance in the mirror and grimace.

I’m sure there are people who look worse in the morning, but this is not how I would want Aiden to see me.

He never cared about those things.

I shove that thought away. He isn’t the Aiden I once knew…or is he?

When I’m finally presentable, I make my way to the small dining nook, taking a seat when it’s clear Aiden has finished cooking and doesn’t need help. I watch as he dishes out eggs, bacon, and toast onto a plate and slides it to me.

Having him do this makes me uncomfortable. I’m not used to anyone taking care of me. It’s what I do for others, but it’s rarely reciprocated.

Aiden has never been like the other people in my life. He always made sure I was taken care of before himself. It appears some things haven’t changed, and that makes me smile.

I smother it, not wanting him to pry into my internal musings.

“Are you ready for your game tomorrow?” I ask, lifting the fork to my lips and popping a piece of bacon into my mouth.

“I am, but I’m most looking forward to the break after.”

“You’re on a break now,” I deadpan. The Saints haven’t played since Tampa. Tomorrow they play game three.

I wonder if practice will be as grueling as it’s been if they win tomorrow’s game. Maybe if he’s stuck in practice all day, I can try to spend some time with Emma. It’s not that long a drive to Michigan. Maybe I can have her come here, or I can go there.

Perhaps if I can visit her, I could start looking around for an apartment close to the university too. Or better yet, maybe I could start researching some online programs to get started. Something that would allow me to work while taking classes.

It’s a dream I’ve had for so long, but I’ve never felt like it was a possibility. I have watched friends navigate the process, leaving me behind. Most of them are now gainfully employed, earning substantial salaries, while I am playing the role of a lifetime, pretending to be someone who I’m not.

It’s been a blessing I didn’t see coming.

I’m being paid well by Aiden. Not well enough to pay for school and a place of my own, but soon. Assuming he keeps me for a few extra months after the playoffs and doesn’t go through with what I overheard him say to Mike.

Something felt different last night. He didn’t do all of his rituals. Sure, he cleaned up, but it was different. It wasn’t as intense.

Then when he would normally watch old footage of himself, he watched a movie with me instead.

He cuddled with me. Took care of me. Could he still throw me aside that easily?

Nope. Don’t go there.

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