Page 123 of Sweet Collide

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Why the fuck do I continue to hold back?

“I’m here for you, Aiden. Whatever you need, I’ll be here, but I’m not who you think I am.”

Not who I think she is? What does that even mean? Of course, I know little about her, but do I care? The answer is simple. No.

“I know who you are, Cass.” I point at her heart. “Everything else is inconsequential. I know you.”

Her head lowers and shakes. “You don’t. I’ve hidden who I am because I’m ashamed.”

It’s my turn to lift her head to me. “Haven’t I done that too? You’ve only been privy to my secrets because I needed help.”

“You’d change your mind if you knew.”

I consider what my hard lines are and voice them.

“Have you abused or abandoned a child?”

Her brows furrow. “No. Never.”

I nod. “Did you have anything to do with my mother leaking my private life to the press?”

Her face hardens to stone. “Absolutely not.”

“Are you a bad person?”

Her face pales. “What?” The pitch of her voice catches me off guard. She places her head against mine, and our breaths intermingle. “Sometimes, Aiden. But only when I have to be.”

“Did someone hurt you?”

“Nobody will ever hurt me again.” She responds, and I breathe her in, hearing the determination and strength in those words. One day, I will uncover the story behind this moment, but not now. Not when I’m in this headspace. “But I’m here with you now, and everything is perfect.”

Is that permission to take things further? Is that her way of saying she wants more?

I can tell by the look on her face she wants me to kiss her again, and God, I’m a bastard, but I want to. The only problem is, if I go there, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop and that is dangerous territory.

For her.

For me.

I weigh the pros and cons so quickly, and it’s not even a question. If she says yes, I’ll take whatever she offers.

“I need you, Cassidy, but I don’t want you to do this because you feel sorry for me. Or because you have some warped idea that you owe me for something.”

“None of that is true, Aiden. I don’t feel like I owe you. What I’m offering is coming from a place of want. I want you.”

My breath hitches at her proclamation. I move to a standing position, with Cassidy on her knees in front of me, “I’m the one who drew the line in the sand, and if you want to keep those boundaries up, I completely understand—”

“Aiden,” she says, “what aren’t you understanding? I. Want. This.” She licks her lips and swallows. “Don’t overthink this, Aiden. I’m yours if you want me. Let me take care of you.”

I watch through hooded lids as her hand reaches out and pulls down the zipper of my pants…

Carefully, she removes me from the now tight confines of the material.

Heat rushes through my veins and straight to my cock, as her small hand finds me. My thick erection proves my desire for this woman.

I want this.

I want her.
