Page 47 of Paging Doctor Grump

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“Your dad is right. You know that don’t you?” I ask, my voice wavering slightly. I put down the glass.

Brookes’ eyebrows shoot up his forehead. “What are you talking about, Jessie?”

I swallow the lump in my throat, knowing that I have to force the words out. Though I don’t want to hurt him, his dad is right. “Your dad was right when he said that I’m distracting you from your job. You’re distracting me too.”

Brookes stumbles backward like I’ve hit him. “You’re serious? You think that all we do is distract each other?”

“Can you honestly say that we don’t?”

“Jessie, that’s bullshit, and you know it. My dad was just saying whatever he could to get under our skins. He wants to have both of us thrown off, so I don’t get the money from him. He thinks I’ll lose focus because of you, but that’s not true, Jessie.”

The apartment seems to grow a thousand degrees hotter and impossibly smaller as I stare at him. “Brookes! We both have goals, but instead of working toward those goals, I’m giving you a blow job at work!”

“Neither of us left a patient dying in the hall to do that. We’re attracted to each other. There’s a chemistry between us that I’ve never had with anyone else. It was one blow job because we wanted each other.”

I scrub a hand down my face, taking a deep breath. “Brookes, I’m not the woman who gives a man a blow job at work. I never have been, and I don’t want to be. I was humiliated today in front of those doctors and nurses. I was made to feel like when I walk in the building tomorrow, the only thing people are going to be talking about is how often I get on my knees for you.”

Brookes scoffs. “Jessie, nobody is going to be thinking about that.”

“Don’t you dare dismiss me! I already have enough challenges being a doctor. Do you want to know how many people have asked for male doctors in the last week? Told me that I’m a pretty little thing but too young to care for them? It’s bad enough that I get it from the fucking patients, and now I’m going to get it from the staff too.”

“Our colleagues don’t care.”

I down the rest of my wine. “That’s the thing though. They do care. It was one of the other doctors who made the comment to your dad about me giving you plenty of benefits.”

Brookes’ mouth drops open, his face turning red. His hands ball into fists at his sides. “I don’t know who the fuck made that comment, but I’ll deal with it.”

“No!” I slap my hands against the counter, trying to get my point across. “You are not going to deal with it! Damn it, Brookes, you already get comments about how your dad is helping you get ahead. If those are the kind of comments they make about you, then what do you think they’re going to say about me?”

He links his hands behind his head and starts to pace from one side of my living room to the other. “I love you, Jessie. I just want to get this fixed for you.”

“I don’t need you to fix it for me. What I need is for us to stop being so obvious about it. I need us to go back to being professionals and focus on the work. I need that fellowship, and that’s not going to happen if I suck dick in an on-call room.”

“I never thought about that,” he says, his arms dropping to his sides. He makes his way over to me. “I’m sorry. I never thought about it from that angle, and I should have.”

My chest still feels tight as I step closer to him. “Thank you. I know you just want to fix this, but there’s nothing to fix. We just have to remind ourselves what we’re working toward.”

“What we’re working toward, huh?” Brookes asks, his tone teasing as he loops his arms around my waist.

The tension in my body starts to fade as I melt into his embrace. “Yeah. After all, you love me. That kind of implies that there’s a future between us.”

Brookes laughs and tosses me over his shoulder, but something is off about the laugh. “Yeah, that kind of implies that there is.”

I try to push aside the feeling that something is wrong as he carries me to my bedroom and tosses me on the bed. I smile as I shimmy out of my clothing, heat building in my core.

Brookes looks down at me as he slowly takes off his own clothing. He wraps his hand around his thick cock and my wetness coats my inner thighs. He slides his hand along the length, from base to tip and back again.

I prop myself up my forearms, my pussy pulsing as he brushes his thumb over the head of his cock. As he strokes himself, I run my hands up and down my body, teasing him as he watches.

“You’re stunning,” he says, his voice gruff as he climbs onto the bed between my legs.

He hovers over me as his fingers dip down to my pussy. I moan, arching my back as his fingers slide through my wet slit to circle my clit. Brookes drops kisses to my shoulder and neck, but they’re fleeting touches.

“Yes,” I say, breathless as he thrusts his fingers into me. My inner walls clench around him.

Brookes groans and drops his head to my shoulder, his thumb pressing against my clit with every thrust of his fingers. My pussy pulses around him as he replaces his fingers with his cock.

I fist the sheets and hook my legs around his waist, locking my ankles behind his back. Brookes groans, nipping and kissing my shoulder as he thrusts.
