Page 59 of Paging Doctor Grump

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I blink faster, tilting my face to the sky and trying to stop the tears before they fall. “Alright. I’m sorry.”

She doesn’t respond as I turn and pull the harness tighter on my body. I look down at the tracks we left in the snow, knowing that within minutes they’re going to be gone and I’ll be on my own.

I was paying attention to the landscape while we walked though. I’m going to be able to find my way back. I just have to look for the landmarks that I tried to memorize on our way up here.

And then once Patrick hears what she has to say, I can kiss my shot at the fellowship goodbye.

He’s not going to want me on his team. He won’t want to give me a second chance.

Patrick will talk to Dani and Fletcher. The three of them are going to ban me from the wilderness center.

I’m letting Dad down. He would have expected better of me.

I push my sunglasses up and wipe the tears from my eyes. The snow stings as it collides with my bare skin. The wind whips around my hair and tugs at my hat. I pull the wool hat down lower over my ears and slide my sunglasses into place.

It’s going to be a long walk back, and I don’t want to freeze on the way there.

Glancing around, I look for the weird tree that we passed shortly after we left the trail. The tree should only be a few feet in front of me, but I can’t see it.

I can’t see anything in this snow.

“Clara? I don’t know the way back to the trail.” I spin around in a circle, looking for her. There’s no flash of orange vest. No sign of her bright hat.

The sled spins along behind me, catching on the roots of one of the trees. My heart races as I crouch down and try to wiggle the sled free. It stays lodged between the roots.

“Clara!” My voice is sharp as I try to shout louder than the howling wind. “Clara! Help!”

The rescue sled is too heavy for me to lift on my own. Even though I could step out of the harness and try to find my way back to the clearing, I don’t think I would make it.

It’s safer to stay here with the supplies. Especially with the snow falling the way it is.

Thick sheets of white flakes fall to the earth as the wind howls. I can barely see the tree in front of me as I sit down and huddle closer to the sled.

I need to keep calling Clara for help. She has our radio, but she shouldn’t be that far.

I can send up a flare, but I don’t think anyone will see it in a whiteout.

The more I think about it, the more I know that I’m alone. I have to survive until someone figures out I’m missing and comes to find me.

It isn’t the first time I’ve been out alone during a storm. The thought of having to do it again sends shivers through my body. My hands shake as I tuck them deep into my pockets and draw my knees to my chest. The snow can’t keep falling like this for long.

The wind howls as I scream, hoping that someone will hear me. However, the scream is swept away with the shrill whistle of the wind through the pines.

Clumps of snow cover the top of the sled. I try to shuffle closer to it, hoping that staying between the roots will keep some of the wind off me.

The storm will be over before I know it.

I just have to stay here and hope that someone finds me before the hypothermia sets in.

With that in mind, I take another deep breath. “Clara! Help!”



Patrick trudges through the snow, the sled still sliding along behind him. My fingers feel numb as he stops and crouches down beside the sled. He opens the top and reaches inside, rummaging around.

“I bet your hands are as cold as mine right now.” Patrick stands and tosses me two of the glove warmers he pulled out of the sled. “Crack these in half and put them in your gloves.”
