Page 76 of Paging Doctor Grump

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I close my eyes, still trying to fight the feeling of being fully awake as I run a hand over his side of the bed. To my surprise, the bed is empty. With another yawn, I roll onto my side and open my eyes.

Wonder where he went this early.

The scent of coffee wafts over to me, so he can’t be far. I pull the sheets a little higher, tucking my arm beneath my pillow to prop it up a little. Though I’m not in the mood to get out of bed yet, I know I have to do it soon.

The final renovations on the rural ambulance office wait for no woman.

I throw back the sheets after a few moments and roll onto my back to stretch. My hand bumps against something hard beneath Brookes’ pillow.

As I grab the little box, I hear shuffling in the other room. I can’t stop my curiosity as I sit up and lean back against the tufted headboard.

The black velvet box is smooth in my hand as I open the lid. My breath is stolen from my lungs and my vision blurs. The first hot track of tears slips down my cheek.

A ring is nestled inside the box, shining bright against the black silk lining. The band is platinum, an oval diamond in the center. It’s simple, but perfect.

Brookes walks into the room as I wipe my tears and snap the box shut. I try to stuff it back under his pillow before he can see what’s in my hand.

He leans against the doorframe, his gray sweatpants hanging low on his hips. His warm laughter flows through the room as he shakes his head.

“Don’t worry about trying to pretend you didn’t see it.” He pushes off the doorframe and comes over to the edge of the bed. His fingers brush against my jaw gently. “I was hoping to do this another way, maybe later tonight.”

“I can still pretend I didn’t see it.”

“Nope.” His grin stretches wider as he leans over and plucks the box from my fingers. “We’re doing this now, because I don’t want to wait another minute longer. I’ve done enough waiting over the years and I only have myself to blame for that.”

My pulse rushes in my ears as I pull the blankets to my chest. Brookes drops to one knee at the side of the bed, popping open the box to show off the ring again.

“Jessie McAllister.”

I burst out laughing, shaking my head as I look down at him. “That is not my name.”

“You can have whatever name you like as long as you’re mine forever.” He winks at me before clearing his throat. “Now, don’t interrupt my speech again. I’ve been thinking about this since you walked back into my life and I really don’t want to fuck it up.”

“Pretty sure most proposals don’t have the word fuck in them.” I smirk and stick my leg over the edge of the bed to nudge his shoulder with my foot.

Brookes grabs it and gives it a light tug. “Devil woman. Keep teasing me while I’m trying to propose to you.”

“Maybe I just want to be punished.” I give him a sultry smile, my tone suggestive as I drop the blanket a little.

His gaze heats up as it rakes up and down my body. “I’m getting through the proposal first, even if you make me do it with a raging boner.”

Laughing, I cover myself back up. “Alright. I think I’ll let you make your speech now.”

His smile stretches from one side of his face to the other. “Jessie, I have loved you since the night we stayed up all night talking. I knew in that moment that you were the woman for me. It may have scared the hell out of me then, but it doesn’t now. I love you so damn much and I never want to spend another day without my ring on your finger. I want to know that we’re going to spend the rest of our lives together, because our kind of love is eternal and knows no bounds. Jessie, will you marry me?”


He laughs and gets up, taking the ring from the box and sliding it onto my trembling hand. As soon as the ring is on, he yanks the sheet away from my body and climbs onto the bed.

Brookes hovers above me as he kisses me. My nails rake down his back, wetness pooling between my thighs. He groans and presses his hardening cock against my wet pussy.

“Fuck, Jessie.” He trails kisses down my neck, licking and sucking at the skin.

I moan and arch my back, hooking a leg around his hip. Brookes chuckles and keeps kissing his way down my body, not stopping until his head is between my legs.

His tongue slides along my wet slit and circles my clit. My hips buck to meet him as he does it again. His fingers dig into my hips, holding me down while he continues to tease me with his mouth.

Brookes groans, sucking on my clit as he presses two fingers into me. My pussy clamps around him, walls pulsating as he drives his fingers deeper inside me.
