Page 65 of Calder

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Who the hell knew that you could do all sorts of shit with resin?

Not knowing what I will find when I get in there, I climb out, making sure to take the coffee and pastries with me for protection. Kady loves her coffee and sugary shit.

Stepping through the open double doors, I take in Kady speaking to a customer; she is in her element. A bright smile is on her face as she takes a custom order. My gaze scans over her from head to toe, taking in her cute little space buns hairstyle, she is wearing some sort of tight T-shirt dress that stops just above her knees and white Converse.

The women talk back and forth, before the customer leaves, but not before she gives me the once over with her eyes.

“Lucky bitch,” I hear her mutter.

I smirk at her, winking then stepping over to the counter, setting down the things in my hands. Leaning against it with my hip, I watch as she deals with her customers.

“Well, aren’t you a hot one?” a girl says.

Her statement has Kady’s gaze snapping around and she sees me. Shock covers her face. As she nibbles at her bottom lip, I have to fight to keep my growl low so no fucker hears me.

That is all I need, women gushing over me when I growl. Yeah, I have read romance books, the ones that Willa and the girls leave laying around and how the horny woman loves it when the man growls.

Kady looks between me and the chick, her eyes narrowed as she steps forward, standing close to me, like she is staking her claim. I fucking love it.

“I am also a taken one,” I inform her.

I hear Kady’s intake of breath, before she goes to step away, but I am fast, hooking my arm around her waist, keeping her at my side.

“Damn, it is always the hot ones who have no taste in women. They always go for the easy lay, not worrying about what the chick looks like. Damn shame,” she states, looking bored.

My blood fucking boils. Who the fuck does this chick thinks she is to come into someone’s store and say nasty shit about them? I go to bitch her out, but my girl gets there first.

“Wow. And here I thought that sisterhood was a thing. You know, where a woman does not ever diss on another woman but lift her up.” Kady looks around the space, I have no doubt checking for kids before she continues.

The other customer winks at Kady, giving her the go ahead to say what she wants.

“You are a cunt in sheep’s clothing, darling. You may look decent at best on the outside, but you are rotting on the inside. Any man who sticks his dick in you runs the risk of catching something. Clearly my store is not for you, so I suggest that you leave while you can,” Kady spits out at her.

My cock is solid as a bar of gold in my jeans; seeing her like this has me wanting to bend her over the counter and fuck her, making sure every fucker knows she is mine. I love seeing feisty Kady.

“Your stuff is shit anyway.” The chick spins on her heel as she leaves.

“Oh, a very adult comeback, fuck off out of here,” my girl huffs.

“I think I will take this and get out of your way,” the last customer says.

Kady’s body stiffens until she looks at the woman who is smiling at her.

“You did better than me, I would have slapped the bitch.”

She pays before leaving. Kady locks up after her, making sure that the blinds are drawn so no one can see inside.

I watch her flit around the space, checking that things are turned off, like the cool neon lights that she has, and the fairy lights that are strung around the walls. Once her checks are done, she turns to me, with a face that is unreadable.

“I am guessing that you want to talk?”

I nod to her question. “I do and I brought you coffee and sugar as protection,” I joke.

Her lips quirk at the corners.

“That is a good tactic. You know me well.”

“I know more than you think, Kitten.”
