Page 102 of It Ends With A Yes

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Elton’s gaze roamed across his face. “Did something good happen?”

Seth grinned.

“That isn’t just an I’m-glad-she’s-home smile.”

“She said yes.”

“To what?” Elton’s eyes widened. “To marrying you?”


Elton threw his arms around Seth. “Congrats.” He stepped back. “So … are we going to Vegas? We should probably wait for her grandmother and Edward Eolenfeld to come back from Thailand.”

“We haven’t talked about the wedding, but definitely. I’d like to keep my head right where it is.” He gave his brother’s shoulder a squeeze. “You’re the first person I’ve told.”

Elton’s brows rose. “Thank you.”

“I need to check in on Oliver, make sure he’s okay.” He gave Elton another hug. “Thanks for trying to stop her from leaving.” Then he headed down the hallway to Oliver’s room.

Zane had been called back to work, so Aldric was staying with Oliver.

Both of them were on the bed, lying on their stomachs as they huddled close to look at something small. They were so engrossed they didn’t hear him enter the room and walk up behind them.

“You’re still watching that?” Seth asked when he saw the video camera that FedEx had delivered. It had been a long time, but he recognized the camcorder the moment he saw it.

And he was impressed they could get it to work after charging it.

Seth frowned at them. “It happened the way Uncle David said. What’s there to see?”

Aldric flipped on his back. “Oliver won’t feel right until he finds out what happened to Winnie.”

Oliver put the camera down. “I just thought someone should try to find her, right?”

“Winnie must’ve had a plan when she escaped. She left her half-brother behind. I’m sure she’s living a good life with another identity or something. And maybe she doesn’t want to be found and be reminded of what she went through.”

Oliver blinked.

“That’s true,” Aldric said and clapped his hands. “Let’s go to bed.”

“Clary said she’d marry me.”

Aldric, who had just stood up from the bed, froze. “Seriously?”


Oliver broke into a wide grin and jumped up to hug him. “I’m so happy for you.” He gasped. “Oh, no. I should change what I wrote in the bauble, then.”

Seth arched a brow.

“I wrote I hope you’ll marry Seth.”

Aldric snapped his head around. “I wrote that too!” He jogged toward the door. “Has she seen the notes?”

Seth laughed and waved it off. “Leave it. I think she’ll have a good laugh over it.”

Aldric shrugged and closed the door. “We get to choose a new list of things to buy for the orphanages next year, right? Because I’m not choosing the stickers again.”

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