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“Now that you have some food in your stomach, you can take the other medicine.”

My eyes traveled over her face before catching her gaze. “Thank you for coming over, Clare.”

A shy smile appeared on her beautiful face. “You’re welcome. If you don’t mind, I’d like to stay until your fever comes down some.”

“I don’t mind at all.”

We finished our food and Clare cleared our plates. She returned with a cup of nasty ass medicine and took my temperatureagain. When she frowned, I asked her if it had gone down any.

“No. Would you be willing to take a lukewarm bath to see if it will come down some. I think it might relax you some as well.”

“Honestly, Clare, I don’t have the energy to take a bath.”

She chewed on her lip. “I can help you.”

I raised a brow. “Is this your way of trying to see the goods?”

Her face turned bright red. “No!”

Laughing, I replied, “Liar.”

“Wes, you’re sick and I’m not interested in seeing your…goods.”

“Keep telling yourself that.”

She stood and walked up to me. “When was the last time you changed clothes?”


“Tell me what you want to wear, and I’ll get it all ready, then start the bath. We’ll want to move rather quickly because I don’t want the water to get cold and you start shaking. It will make your fever go up.”

I stood and followed her into my bedroom. “How do you know all of this?”

Glancing over her shoulder at me, she winked. “I’ve been sick before, and my mother has taken care of me. Surely you’ve had the flu before and your mother took care of you.”

I sat down on the bed. “I have, but I don’t remember my mother giving me a bath. She probably did when I was younger.”

“What do you want me to get and where do I get it?”

“Middle left drawer are some black sleeping pants. Yeah, those right there.”

Clare set the pants on the bed next to me.

“Bottom left is my long-sleeve shirts.”

“You sure you want long sleeve?”

“I’m fucking freezing, so, yes, I want long sleeve. And in the middle top are my fuzzy socks.”

Clare slowly turned and looked at me. It was clear she was trying to hide a smile. “Your…fuzzy socks?”

“Yes. Don’t tell me you don’t have a pair of extra warm and cozy socks, Clare.”

Her brows shot up. “I do, but I’m a girl. I’m supposed to have them. You’re a guy.”

I rolled my eyes, and I swore it made my head hurt worse.

“Fine, I’ll get your fuzzy socks. Underwear?”
