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“That’s great, Wilder. I’m so happy for you.”

“I know. Now, tell me what you called about. No one’s heard from you in a while. You kind of disappeared.” Wilder is now back to the commanding older brother voice.

“Scarlett is back.”

“What the fuck?” Wilder exclaims, then whispers, “Sorry, Ivy, I’ll go to the other room. I love you.” There’s rustling as Wilder goes from one room to the other. “Ok, what the hell, Knox?”

“She works for Archer Huxley and moved here from Las Vegas. We’ve… talked.” I don’t want to tell Wilder everything. He is the one that really kicked my ass back to reality after Scarlett left. He showed me how much I was hurting everyone around me. Told me to get over myself and to grow the fuck up.

“How did that go? Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. She told me why she left and Wilder —I’m just— I’m struggling.” I want to forgive her and let her know that I still love her.

“If you feel comfortable telling me, can you explain it to me or at least the part you’re struggling with?”

“She thought I cheated and she wasn’t good enough for me.” The pregnancy scare isn’t anyone’s business. “She wanted me to have the life she thought I should have and didn’t think I could do that with her.”

“So, it was out of love?”

“In a very misguided way. But if she had talked to me, I would’ve told her I never cheated on her and that there was no way she wasn’t good enough for me.”

“You also would’ve used whatever you could to convince her to your side. You know you aren’t innocent in all of this, Knox. Maybe she was right to leave even if she did it the wrong way. Eighteen-year-olds are known for making rash decisions. Remember all the fuck-ups you made after she left.”

He’s right. I hate it when he’s right.

“I asked her out to dinner tonight.”

“Do you still have feelings for her, Knox?”

“I’m still in love with her. I don’t think the feelings ever went away. As soon as I saw her it was like —boom — it was there again. That’s why I’ve never found anyone else.”

“Then you need to move past what happened before and start fresh. If you really love her, you’ll have to prove to her that you can move on and that this is forever. Scarlett will also have to prove that she won’t run if things get hard. It’ll be work, but the best things are, and I promise you that finding that one person who is perfect for you isn’t something you can throw away.”

“When did you get so smart and sensitive?” I tease Wilder. He used to be a bear and growl at everyone.

“That’s what the love of a good woman will do. Ivy makes me better every day.” He laughs. “My sweet wife just yelled something I can’t repeat so I have to go. Let me know how dinner goes.”

“I will. Good luck with Ivy and kiss the baby for me.”

I push the off button and sit for a moment in the silence. I feel better after talking to Wilder. He’s right, we need to start fresh.

I need to win her over and make her fall in love with me again.




As seven approaches I’m pacing my living room floor. If I don’t get off this emotional rollercoaster I’m on with Knox I’m going to wear a path in my carpet. I’m not sure if this is a good idea or not. A knock at the door stops me in my tracks. I try to gather myself so I can open the door. My hands shake as I grab the doorknob and twist, but as soon as I see his smiling face on the other side the nerves disappear.

“Hi, Knox.”

“Hello, baby.” Knox hands me a bouquet of pink peonies, my favorite flower.

“You remembered that I love these?” I ask as he follows me into my apartment. I find a vase and arrange the flowers.

“Of course, Scarlett, I remember everything about you.” Knox holds his hand out to me, and I take it. He twirls me around the living room and into his arms. “I want to talk for a minute before we go to dinner, is that okay?”
