Page 70 of Snap

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"Funny," I said. "I thought winning the Down Under Bowl was your life's ambition."

Both of their expressions turned serious.

"That is the ultimate ambition," Bam agreed. He sighed loudly. "We may never get another shot at it."

"Then we better make it count," I said.

"Amen to that, brother," Bam said. "Where are you dudes watching the Origin-bowl?"

The Origin-bowl was the game held the weekend between the last game of the season, and the Down Under Bowl. Played by a collection of all-stars, most representing New South Wales and Victoria, none of us were allowed to take part. The risk of us getting injured the week before the Down Under Bowl was too great.

I got it, but it sucked. It would have been next level awesome to play, but at least we could sit back, watch and enjoy the game.

"Probably at Waves," Chase said. "Hawk said something about John getting Ice Blue Roses to play before and after."

"Shit yeah," Bam said. "My favourite band. Are you coming, Ollie?"

"I wouldn't miss it," I said. The whole team and all their wives and girlfriends would be there. For a few hours, we could forget all about the Down Under Bowl and relax.

"Sounds like a date then," Bam said. "The whole place is gonna be hopping."

"Sure is." Chase stuffed more sandwich into his mouth like a man who hadn't eaten in days.

I exchanged looks with Bam and shook my head. "Leave some room for burgers," I said to Chase.

"There is always room for burgers," Chase said.

I think that was what he said. It was hard to tell with his mouth mostly full.

"If you keep eating like that, you're not gonna fit on your motorbike," Bam said.

"I'll take that risk," Chase said.

We all knew that wasn't going to happen. The only things he loved more than his bike, was his girlfriend Ashley, and the game of football.

I felt someone's eyes on us again and looked over to where Pinky stood with his friends. He seemed to be glaring at Bam now.

Whatever was up his ass, I hoped he got over it soon.



Waves was packed. The atmosphere was electric.

Almost everyone there was a Rapid, or affiliated with the team in some way.

I recognised Mary, who ran the front desk and most of the offices. She was there with her husband Bob. Several others I knew by sight, if not their names. I'd have to learn those sooner or later. Most of them probably knew me as the indifferent daughter who rarely looked up from her phone.

They might be surprised to learn I heard everything. Even when I looked like I wasn’t paying attention, I was.

I suspected everyone employed by Waves was working tonight. These few weeks, leading up to and after the Down Under Bowl would be the biggest of the year for them.

It didn't hurt to be the favourite haunt of a pro football team.

Ollie shouted something to me.

I shook my head and shouted back, "I can't hear you."
