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“That’s exactly what I wanted to talk about,” Corbin said, and the room quieted. Big boss man, my man, was pissed. He near vibrated from the anger burning in his gaze. “If anyone has an issue with how I lead my life, who I share my bed with, my heart with, then you can fuck off from the club. I ain’t puttin’ up with anyone disrespectin’ Riker in any way. But also, that bigotry shit can fuck right off outta here. Thought we’d be above that. Thought we lived like we wanted and without a care, but here I am being judged by my own brothers because I fell in love with a man. A man who has had my back in everythin’.”

“You’re pickin’ a guy you fuck over your brothers?” Marker said, upper lip rising.

“Fuck, you’re stupid,” Spade clipped. “He’s pickin’ a man who he damn loves. Has anyone seen our prez as happy as he has been in the last few days before?” No one replied. “Exactly. And you dickheads wouldn’t have a problem with Prez’s relationship if it was with a woman. Get over it and yourselves. I’m in with Prez. If anyone has a problem with same-sex relationships within the club, then leave. Who’s with me?”

There were shouts and a lot of cussing that ran around the room. The only two who were still and silent, looking at all of us with an upturned nose, were Marker and Boff.

My heart boomed in my chest with fondness for the other men who supported their boss man and me. I already knew I’d kill for them, but if they needed anything other than murdering, I’d be willing to help them out.

Except those two fools.

“Fuck this, I’m out. I ain’t sittin’ around to witness this sickenin’ shit. Our president who’s wrapped up in a little fuckin’ faggot who’s insane—” Marker snapped his mouth closed and tried to back up, but the brothers held him in place as Corbin approached. “Wait, wait, wait,” Marker chanted.

Corbin fisted the front of his vest and tee and lifted him. “Say what you want about me, but I’ve had enough of you talkin’ about Riker like that.” He dropped him hard so that Marker fell on his ass. He stalked back to Spade and held out his hand. Spade produced a blade and gave it over to Corbin.

My body tingled.

My cock jerked.

I licked my dry lips and watched in awe as my mate crouched in front of Marker.

“Hold him,” he ordered, and his men complied. “You shoulda just had your say and picked to stay or leave, but you just had to open your mouth and say shit about the man I love. For that, you get to remember where you fucked up.”

Marker begged and yelled as Corbin took his hand, held it flat on the floor, and sliced his finger off.

I grinned.

Corbin stood. “I don’t see either of you changin’ your ways in thinkin’. Not askin’ for it either. Would rather be done with you two. Take off your cuts before you leave. Pick wisely in your future, because if you come back for us in any way, I’ll end you.”

Monkey leaned down and pressed a gun to Marker’s head. “You heard my prez, right?”

Marker nodded, holding his hand to his chest. Boff helped him up and they removed their vests. Someone took the items from them before they started for the door.

“We’ll be watchin’,” Reckless called.

“No one fucks with Fury MC!” someone shouted, and a roar went up around the room.



I walked back over to Riker, pulled him close with my fingers through his hair, and slammed my mouth down on his. The brothers had my back, so did my sunshine. Plus, we’d got rid of those who were going to be a problem. If they popped up in the future, we’d take care of them again.

Pride had me breaking the kiss and looking around at my brothers.

All of them supported my choice. Even after throwing the surprise of my new relationship in their faces, they showed that their loyalty was thicker than those other bigoted cunts.

“Thank you, brothers. Know it’s early, but I’m declaring a damn party day. Stock the shelves, bring in the women. It’s time to celebrate livin’.”

More cheering arose.

I’d enjoy all the days I could with the club. Until I handed it over to Spade. Until Riker and I moved with the family and put down roots in a different place.

No matter where we were, though, I’d keep an eye on the club. If they ever needed help, I’d find a way to do it.

They were my family, no matter where I would be in the world.

Riker wiggled against me. “Even though I wanted to gut them, I liked watching you take care of that annoying issue. You were smoking hot. Not that you’re not all the time. You are.” He nodded. “All. The. Time.”
