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Chuckles sounded around us.

“We get it, Riker. You think the prez is hot,” Spade said.

“All the time,” Monkey added.

More laughter rang out.

At least I knew from Riker’s wide grin, he didn’t want to kill them for their teasing.

It’s gonna be a good day.

Cupping his ass, I lifted him into my arms as I sat so he could straddle my waist. A brother dropped off a couple of drinks for us, but Riker wouldn’t touch his. He didn’t need it to have a good time. He was pure sunshine already. All he needed was a conversation or a smile and he could switch in a blink of an eye. Loved that about him. Loved a fucking lot about the man in my arms.

He turned to Spade as my brother said, “Aww, look at the lovebirds.”

“Don’t be jealous, Spade. You’ll find our kind of love one day.”

“I hope so, kid. I do.”

The doors opened and the women entered. Riker kissed me quick and jumped up.

“Got to go talk to my posse. Drink, get merry, and I’m sure I’ll enjoy the reward from it later.” He winked and skipped off.

“Hell, Prez, I’m definitely seein’ the appeal. He’s sweet to look at, violent, fast, possessive, and kind,” Coms commented.

I huffed. I liked that my brothers were seeing Riker for the deadly and sweet person he was, but still…. “Don’t look too long there, brother, or I’ll have to cut your eyes out.”


It was possible.

If he really pissed me off.

Let’s hope that doesn’t happen.



I mouthed at Corbin’s neck, where his tattoo of my fox and pet name lay. I sat on his lap in his office at the compound with my ass half hanging off so his fingers could play with my hole. He either pushed in and out, pressed against my button, or toyed with my rim. All while he did some paperwork.

He was driving me insane. But he liked teasing me to the edge.

I enjoyed it too. Enjoyed knowing he found pleasure in his leisurely actions. In controlling me in ways where it slowed my thoughts and actions.

He was a master at knowing what I needed and when.

It hadn’t even been six months and he pulled at my strings like he was a seasoned violinist.

Our time so far had been crazy, wild, and fun.

I thought I’d been happy living with my brothers and giving them hell before I met him.

But I hadn’t really known what happiness was until my amazing, perfect fated mate rushed into my life and swept me off my feet.

I loved waking up and going to sleep with him. I loved taking him on jobs. Which I’d had the chance to a few times, and he’d been wet-dream amazing in those situations where I wanted to drop to my knees and suck him off.

But my brothers would have frowned upon that.
