Page 64 of Buck

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“You’re her brothers.”

“Rescue hellion? Not on your life. Believe me. She wouldn’t want that. Not from us.”

D-Day’s hand curled into a fist, and the muscles of his arm bunched with tension.

Watching the other man ignore Helen’s attempt to slip from his grasp again, he came up behind the guy. D-Day placed his hand where his neck met his shoulder and applied a firm pressure with his fingers.

The man broke away from her and turned. He took one look at D-Day’s face, then panned over his body and backed up. Now Helen was free?—

Before he could withdraw, she caught him around the neck and held him in place with her heated gaze.

“I think I just traded a wanna-be for a real, live gunslinger,” she murmured, tipping her head back and displacing those soft, disheveled waves to slide along her neck.

His mind told him to pull away, but his body protested, making him realize that would leave her on the dance floor all alone, and he couldn’t embarrass her like that.

“I was just trying to?—”

“Save me,” she whispered, those hazel eyes of hers making him feel like he was drowning.

He closed his eyes. “Helen, this isn’t helping. We agreed?—”

“I know what we agreed, but I can’t stop wanting you. As soon as I see you, it’s uncontrollable.” She glided her hands along his shoulders and down to his chest in an arousing caress. If he wasn’t careful, his lust was going to overrule his common sense. Blessedly, the music stopped, and he pulled away from her, trying to ignore her tormented eyes. Now that he knew she was feeling the same way, it was unbearable.

He decided that leaving was the best course of action. He could probably catch the red eye.

He rounded the barn and headed toward the house, but suddenly, Helen was there, taking his wrist and pulling him inside the barn that housed the stud horses. She closed the door behind her, dragging him into an empty stall. The sound of horses snorting and moving restlessly in the stalls seemed like music to him.

She pressed her back to the wall and dragged him against her. “Drew, please, I want you. I can’t help myself. Please.”

He broke. Those words made him groan and lose his fucking mind, his dick swelling, snugging his jeans behind his zipper. He captured her mouth and her lips parted as she sucked in a quick breath, the onslaught of his kiss demanding, open-mouthed. Her hands went to the snap and zipper, and it was a relief when she released him, pushing his jeans down.

He shifted closer, moaning as she took his dick in her hand and jacked him, her thumb rubbing over his throbbing head. His kiss went hot, ruthless, all his aggression, dominance, and the desperate need to purge her from his mind, his dreams, his entire system took over. The part of him that made him an elite, special ops warrior. Helen brought out the violence of need in him.

She was panting against his mouth, and he was mauling her, the softness of her body driving him crazy.

He pulled up her dress, the pretty fabric looking so delicate in his hands. With one brutal tug, he ripped her underwear. She shuddered and moaned when he slipped his thumb over her hot little nub and ruthlessly stroked her. In moments, she came for him, crying into his mouth as her whole body arched, her sweet breasts against his chest.

He pulled her hips toward him, lifting her, using the wall of the stall to keep her in place. He needed to fuck her until she came again, until she screamed with the pleasure of it.

Their eyes met and held, hers filled with a dark desire, and he watched as she gasped and arched into him when he abruptly thrust into her, claiming her to the hilt.

“Drew,” she whispered. “Oh, God, Drew.” Her hands slid to his shoulders, and her fingers dug into his muscles as he pulled out and surged into her again and again, tearing a moan from the back of her throat, and he felt the contractions as she pulsed around him.

His strokes became faster, shorter, ruthlessly demanding as he pounded into her. With each thrust, he felt himself grow harder, thicker, until lust and need exploded. Lost in the rush of sensation, lost in her, he tossed his head back, a guttural growl tore from his chest, and his entire body shuddered as he came so hard and strong, he couldn’t catch his breath.

He released her, angry with himself immediately, even though he had just experienced the most explosive orgasm of his life. He felt sick. He’d never treated a woman so roughly before, not that she tried to stop him.

Still dazed from their encounter he backed away from her pulling up his jeans and fastening them. The guilt weighed on him, heavier than anything in this world. It pressed down on him, in on him.

“Drew?” She reached out, her eyes going over his face that was now as tortured as his mind and heart. He backed up, the guilt pressing harder. “Please don’t go,” she whispered. “Let’s talk.” But he couldn’t stay.

He left the barn, gathered his stuff, and got one of the hands to take him to the airport. It was obvious that he couldn’t keep his hands off her. There would be no more trips to Wyoming, and that hurt almost as much as cutting Helen out of his life. When he got home, he dropped everything, and for the first time in a long time, alone and in the dark, he broke down, his chest heaving with his pain, fresh pain and the pain still trapped there from the weakest moment in his life.

Tipping his head back, he closed his eyes tight against the pain and scalding tears. There was no outlet for the utter dejection and loss, no words for the way that loss raked through his heart.

* * *

Mari opened her eyes and saw Buck staring at her. “You’re supposed to be relaxing. I know that’s foreign to a Navy SEAL, but you’re wasting all the ambiance.”
