Page 43 of Bellona

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Rafael had lost himself in his spiraling thoughts, so he didn't hear whatever else was said before Medusa hung up.

"Well, that settles it. I'll call Rom and send him this list of places. You two are on clean up," Set said, getting to his feet and stretching. "We might need to do a grocery order too."

"Already did it. It'll turn up tomorrow," Rafael replied, trying to shake his dark thoughts away.

"Thanks, Set. There's only so much of Romulus I can handle in a day," Bellona replied, leaning back in her chair. "When you talk to Ayla tonight, ask her what she wants as a present for letting me borrow you for so long."

Set pouted playfully. "What about my present?"

"You can think of one as well, though letting you have a free-reign murder spree is already a good present."

"Truth. I'll see you two kids in the morning," Set said and headed to his own apartment, his phone already to his ear. "Hey, Rom, about those guys you offered, what are they doing tomorrow night?"

Old jazz music that Set had chosen was drifting over the speakers, and Rafael took the moment to study Bellona in the warm candlelight. She noticed his attention and lifted a brow.

"What is it? Is there something on my face?" she asked, wiping at it.

Rafael got to his feet and offered her his hand. "Dance with me."

"I don't dance. I don't know how."

"You don't have to know how because I do. My father forced me to have dancing lessons from when I was ten years old so I didn't embarrass him at fundraising galas."

Bellona took his hand, and it was the first time he had seen her look remotely nervous. "Tell me something… Has your whole life been about Michele grooming you?"

"Yes. He always had these high expectations of everything I did. I know he was trying to prepare me, but I wouldn't say I had a normal upbringing. Everything was planned out. It's probably one of the reasons I was never really interested in having children myself," Rafael admitted. He pulled her close, his hands going around her waist, loving that space where her hips flared from her waist.

"And is running the company and being the big boss the only thing you want out of life?" she said, resting her hands around his neck.

"I used to think it was, but lately, I've gotten terribly bored. Rita putting the bounty on my head is annoying, but it brought you back to me, so I can't be bitter about it."

Bellona shook her head, the long silky strands of her hair tickling his arm. "A bounty on your head is never a good way to cure boredom, Rafael."

Her fingers toyed with his shirt. "You know what Rom said today about you being my toy was just him trying to get a rise out of you, right? I've never seen you as an object."

"I know when a man is trying to push my buttons, and it doesn't work. Like I said to him, I don't mind being a toy as long as I'm yours," Rafael said honestly. He didn't want to upset her by spilling his messy heart out onto her, but it was going to happen sooner or later. "You want to know what I love about you?"

She didn't bat an eyelash at the L word.

"My epic tits and penchant for keeping you alive?" she responded, mischief glittering in her eyes.

"They are certainly on the list, but not at the top," Rafael said, stroking her lower back in small circles as they swayed in time with the music. "I love that you don't want anything from me. My whole life has been ruled by my father and people who want things. They see the position, the money, the power. No one has ever looked at me and actually seen me for me, except for you. It's unnerving and exhilarating at the same time because I don't know what I have to offer that isn't those things. I don't know how long it will take for you to realize that and get bored, but I will cherish every moment up until you do."

Bellona stopped dancing. "Do you really think so little of yourself? What the fuck, Rafael?"

"Bellona, I'm realistic. I'm a mortal, and you are an actual goddess. What can I possibly offer you that you don't already have?"

Bellona gripped his shoulders, and for a moment, he thought she would shake him. "It's not about you offering or earning anything! Yes, I am a goddess, and you still give me so much more than you realize. You know exactly who and what I am, and you still want me despite the violence and rage. You're not afraid of me." Bellona huffed out a frustrated breath and tried again. "I love you because you give me, a war goddess, peace. All the screaming and the nightmares stop until it's just you. It's confusing, and it's priceless, and I'm probably going to fuck it up because I've never felt that way with anyone. I've not had a lot of peace or kindness, but you are both to me. No one has ever tried to love me except you."

Rafael held onto her so she wouldn't back away from him. "You love me back?"

Bellona rested her head against him and groaned. "Of course I love you. You think I would be this crazy for any mortal?"

Rafael wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. "I think I've loved you since I kissed you, and you broke my nose. You're not worried about me growing old and dying?"

"No," she said and lifted her head. "I know many gods, and most of them owe me favors. Making you mine forever isn't out of the realm of possibility. Just don't ever talk poorly about yourself or say you have nothing to offer me, or I'll kick your ass."

"We wouldn't want that." Rafael lifted her head and kissed her until she melted against him, his heart too full for any more words.
