Page 48 of Bellona

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Bellona clutched his face. "Don't you dare die on me. You stay with me," she snarled.

Her hands glowed with power, but it only destroyed what it touched. It never healed. Rafael's eyes slid shut, and reality warped around them.

Men ran as her power hit cars and containers, twisting the metal and vaporizing the bodies of Rita's guards. Magic burned the air, and something heavy hit her in the back of the head. She slumped to the ground, disorientated. The end of a golden staff appeared by her face before she was being slung over Set's shoulder.

"Well, isn't this a fucking mess," Hermes said, picking up Rafael.

"Hermes, save..." Bellona begged, her vision starting to go dark. A golden door of light appeared, and Set carried her through it, her hand still reaching for Rafael.


Bellona was placed down on a bed in a room that had been kitted out like a hospital room. It had a small bathroom in one corner and a TV in the other, but that was it. Bellona tried not to think of it as a cell. Set stayed by the door, arms crossed and kept a close eye on her.

"Where are we?" she asked, rubbing the back of her head. It was still throbbing. Fucking Hermes. They would have words later about him trying to knock her out.

You were out of control, and you know it. She was still hanging onto her power by a thread, and it was only because she couldn't be sure where Rafael was. The last thing she wanted was to hurt him worse than he already was.

"We are in Styx. On Hades's property, to be precise. This is one of the houses he has that Selene has set up as a clinic for when one of us gets messed up," Set explained. He cracked his neck and rolled out his shoulders. Getting ready to fight her if he needed to. "The wards here will stop any of your magic from leaking out and causing problems in a wider area."

"Where is Rafael?" she asked, trying to keep her voice calm. It still shook, and tears were bubbling up inside of her.

"Hermes took him to Selene and Circe so they can work on him." Set didn't say anything like, 'He will be fine,' because he wasn't that fucking stupid. Bellona would have tried to put a knife in him if he did because she hated being lied to.

Bellona put her head in her hands. "I should have known that Rita would do something stupid. I expected her to take a few shots at me, but I didn't think she would try to kill Rafael after going to such an effort to try and win him over." Hot tears streaked down her filthy face. She so rarely cried, and suddenly, she couldn't stop. "I was meant to protect him, Set. I love him more than I've loved anything, and I couldn't protect him."

"I know, Bells. Don't kick your ass over it because battles never go the way we expect them to." The big god didn't move from the door. He didn't trust her not to try and run out and interfere in whatever they were doing to Rafael.

Logically, Bellona knew that if anyone could save him from his injuries, it was Hermes, Selene, and Circe. She wasn't feeling logical. She had never been when it came to him. Not when they first met, and certainly not now that she knew she loved him.

There was a knock at the door, and Set moved aside. Charon opened the door and let out a low whistle. "You two look and smell like a slaughterhouse. Here's some clothes. Set, there's another shower next door. I suggest you use it." He handed Set a bag of clothes and offered the other one to Bellona. She took it with blood-stained hands. Rafael's blood. Hot bile rose in her throat, and she swallowed several times to keep it down.

"I'll be back with some food," Set said and left Charon on guard. Bellona was still young compared to most of the gods around her, and the triplets were titans. There were primordials beings with power she had no idea the depths of. Despite the tattooed rebel look he was currently sporting, Charon would be able to take Bellona down just as easily as Set could.

"Do you know how Rafael is doing?" Bellona asked, her mouth too dry.

Charon's dark eyes softened. "He was still breathing when I saw him. That's what counts. As soon as there's news, you will be the first to know. Have your shower, Bellona, and you'll feel better."

"I doubt that," she replied but headed into the small adjoining bathroom anyway.

Rafael didn't feel any pain. As soon as the pretty dark-haired woman injected him with something, everything had gone pleasantly numb. He didn't know what the other blonde woman was doing, but he had a golden glow covering him. He had a good view because he was currently floating above his own body.

"Where do you think you are going?" a voice said by his shoulder.

Rafael turned and studied the tall man beside him. He had long hair and a beard and carried a golden staff that had two snakes wrapped around it and wings on the top. He seemed familiar.

"Who are you? And how are you talking to me right now?" Rafael asked.

The man's smile was infectious. "I'm Hermes. I'm making sure that your soul doesn't go wandering while my lady love Selene is getting that bullet out of your body."

"You are older than I expected," Rafael said, studying him. "Usually, your statues make you look…"

"Like a twink with wings on his ankles?" Hermes finished for him with a laugh. "It was an aspect that humans adopted when I became a patron of the Youth Olympics in about the sixth century B.C.E. Don't let it worry you. This is really me, and once you're up and about, you'll meet the rest of the family."

Rafael suddenly remembered stories about Hermes and him being a mythical figure that would guide souls to the Underworld. "Am I dying?"

Hermes shook his head. "Not today, and never on our watch. I don't think any of us would want to take on Bellona right now if something fatal happened to you. She is family. We take care of our family, and that includes you. In the future, we might have to make you a little less fragile somehow. That's the problem with gods falling in love with mortals. Lucky for you, we have ways around it."

Rafael looked down at where his body was cut open. He wasn't afraid or worried. Something happened. A beep screeched through the room, and Raphael suddenly felt like he was being pulled backward. Hermes's hand shot out and grabbed him by the shoulder.
