Page 49 of Bellona

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"No running off, or there will be trouble," he said, and his smile didn't look so cheery all of a sudden. "I know this is hard, but I really need you to focus on staying exactly where you are. Focus on all the things you want to live for. You do want to live, don't you?"

"Of course I want to live. I was only just figuring out what I really wanted in life, and that's Bellona. Is she okay? I don't remember what happened after, " he said.

Hermes gave a nonchalant shrug. "She's not physically hurt. She was losing it, though, and I had to stop her before she liquefied that whole port. Her magic was getting away from her, and she was panicking. I would probably take it as a compliment if I were you. Gods rarely love truly. We have always been a bunch of fickle bastards in that way. And she really does love you, Rafael. You should know that."

"I do. I still struggle to figure out why she does, but I suppose love doesn't have to make sense."

Hermes laughed softly and stared at the dark-haired woman still working on Rafael's wound, her hands stained in his blood. "I still can't figure out why Selene loves me either. We are just very lucky bastards and have to make sure we are worthy of that love every day."

The beeping in the room stopped, and Selene looked up at Hermes. Pale silvery light shone in her eyes, and Rafael knew that she could see them in whatever strange plane of existence they were currently floating in. The golden light around Rafael's body shone brighter, and the shredded parts of his body started to knit together.

"He will be stable now, and the worst has passed. Circe is going to use magic to heal up the rest. Get him back in his body, Hermes," she said, and she smiled at Rafael's shade. "The rest is up to you."


Bellona had been allowed to leave the room and go and sit out on the deck, but only with Set or Charon keeping a close eye on her. Bellona stared at the dark night sea without really seeing it. A large black dog had appeared not long ago and put its head in her lap. Bellona had been patting it methodically ever since. She was hollowed out inside, her rage and battle lust gone, leaving aching worry in their place.

Set came and sat on the chair beside her. "Hermes just came and told me that Rafael is going to pull through. They are still healing him, so you can't see him just yet, but he's going to be okay."

The air whooshed out of Bellona, and Set put an arm around her. "Thank you, Set. For everything," she said, her shoulders sagging. She refused to cry again, but her whole body shook with relief right to her bones.

"You're my best friend, Bells. I'm always going to be here to hold you back from the edge," Set said, rubbing her arm. "I'm not much use to you here anymore, so I'm going to go home to Ayla. After today, I really need to hug her until my ka feels right again."

Bellona leaned against him. "I understand completely. When he's up and about again, I'll bring Rafael to Egypt so he can meet Ayla. Maybe she can give him some tips on how to live with a shithead like me," she said, making Set laugh.

"You are both welcome at any time. You know that. Ayla will be ready with a list of ways Rafael's pharma company can help the work she's doing. She will put you to work, too, if you let her." Set squeezed her once more before letting her go. "I'm so happy that you found Rafael. I can't wait to watch him run absolute rings around you. I feel like this is going to be a whole new beginning for you."

Hermes appeared on the other side of the deck and twirled his staff. "Glad to see my dog is keeping you nice and calm, Bellona. Jackal is the bestest of boys."

"I'm going to train him to bite you on the ass for knocking me out," Bellona replied with an evil smile. "Even if it was the right thing to do."

"Jackal would never follow such an order," Hermes said with a quick glare at the dog. "Would you?" Jackal's tail thumped a few times, and he panted a happy grin at his master. "I'm taking that as a yes. Set? You ready to go?"

"I am. I'll be seeing you and the kid soon," Set said and bent to kiss Bellona on the forehead. She watched them disappear through a door of light before she went back to staring at the ocean and the stars. She tried to let the night soothe her, and she took deep, calming breaths.

He's okay, he's okay, he's okay, she told herself until she started to believe it.

The sun was rising when Circe came outside carrying two bright orange cocktails. She passed one to Bellona before taking the seat beside her.

"The wound is closed up, and now we have to let the magic do its work," she said and handed one of the cocktails to Bellona.

"Thank you, Circe. I don't know how to repay you for this," Bellona replied. She cradled the cocktail but didn't drink it. "When can I see him?"

"Give it an hour or so. Seeing him is fine but don't try and wake him up before he's ready. His body sustained a lot of damage and rapid healing, which plays havoc with a mortal body. The longer he sleeps, the better," Circe replied. She gestured at the cocktail. "Drink. It'll help."

"What's in it?" Bellona asked. It wasn't wise to insult Circe, but Bellona was also careful of anyone giving her drinks she couldn't immediately recognize.

"This and that, but it's got a nice little restorative potion that will help you think clearly. You expended a lot of energy tonight, and it will do you good."

Bellona drank, and the fruity mix left an aftertaste of guava and magic in her mouth. Warmth spread through her, and she took her first easy breath in over twenty-four hours.

"That's some good potion," she said, and the sorceress smirked.

"Everyone is always so worried when I try and give them a drink. I don't know if I should be insulted or not," Circe replied, leaning back into her chair with a contented sigh.

Bellona had another mouthful of the cocktail. "The stories about you make even the gods wary of crossing you."

Circe huffed. "You, more than anyone else, should know that we are not the stories they tell about us."
