Page 29 of Wrecking Love

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“Yeah, right,” I scoffed but smiled nonetheless. Sam stealing my fruity drinks was nothing new. He could boast how much he loved beer all he wanted, but I knew the truth.

“So, what do we do now?” Raven asked.

“We drink,” Finn told her.

“And keep drinking,” Lucas agreed.

“Drag your ass to a dark corner—”

“Don’t you fucking finish that sentence!” Sam yelled, hitting Declan upside the head. Thank goodness.

“But I want to hear the rest!” Raven protested.

“That way!” Cade pointed dramatically across the lawn. “We’ll put your asses in timeout that way. Then none of us can hear you.”

“Not if I do my damn job right,” Declan grumbled around his beer bottle. I had to say, for as much as I didn’t want to hear all the things they were up to, I liked seeing him let loose—and it wasn’t just the alcohol.

“Okay, we have fight club tonight, and then we’re drinking all night long,” Lucas announced.

“Most of the night,” he retorted. “I’m old as fuck. I have a bedtime.”

“That’s cool,” Cade said. “I’ll steal your fiancé for the night. We’ll party hard, you old man.”

“Do we have to watch fight club?” I asked. I hated fight club. It was a ridiculous event. I found zero enjoyment in watching men beat each other up.

“I’m fighting,” Lucas announced. “Why not? What have I got to lose?”

“Maybe a few teeth,” Nolan commented dryly, and I giggled.

“I’ll get a few good hits in!” he stated. The loud commentary that flew around our group said otherwise. Lucas shouted, “I’ll get one good hit in damn it!”

“You’re filming.” Sam pointed to Finn before taking Lucas’s beer from him. “And you’re done drinking. If you’re fighting, you’re going in sober.”

“Mostly sober,” he corrected with a goofy grin.

“This is going to end so well,” Nolan whispered over my shoulder. I leaned back into him, glancing up.

“Nemo?” I asked softly. He considered me for a long moment, and I could see the way he debated it before finally shaking his head. Even still, the hesitation was enough to tell me he wasn’t having a good time. “You just tell me, okay?”

“I will.”

“Shut the fuck up, you fuckers!” Cole hollered. Well, that was one way to get everyone’s attention. Drinking had turned into more drinking, which led to more shenanigans—Declan and Cade arm wrestling, Finn and Raven arm wrestling, a dance-off between Finn and Lucas, and Nolan adding hot sauce to everyone’s beer when they weren’t looking. And that was the milder stuff. It’d be a wild week at this rate.

“Whoever ain’t goin’ to shut up gets to fight me!” Alice yelled. Surprisingly, that worked. Granted, Alice was the scariest Stone and wore the title proudly. She smugly grinned at her brother as she sauntered past him, and he flipped off her back.

“Now, I know y’all know the Byrnes and the Ironwoods,” Cole continued. He gestured to where we stood. The entire Stone pack had gathered in a giant circle, but we were crammed near the front where we’d be easily seen. “I also know, a good few of y’all noticed we got a new face here tonight. A fuckin’ Lochlan.”

A collective growl vibrated through the crowd. I glanced at Cade, but he was completely unfazed by it all.

“Shut up!” Alice shouted. “God, y’all are a fuckin’ mess. Let him talk!”

“I don’t need you babysittin’ me,” he told her. “Now, I also know y’all recognize Cade Locke of the fuckin’ White Sox—”

“Go Rockies!” someone yelled.

“Go Cubs!” Declan hollered louder, and Sam lost it. He clung to Nolan’s shoulder, doubling over in laughter. Cade gave both of them the finger—though, he smiled.

“I’d fuckin’ love to finish talkin’, you fuckers,” Cole growled. The sound was backed by the power his wolf had over his pack. It rolled over us, silencing everyone. Even my wolf felt it and retreated slightly. “Now, we know it’s weird havin’ the Lochlans represented, but we’re makin’ moves to mend pack relations. We explained all that shit to you. The first step was our alliance. This right here—the Fall Games—it’s step two. Locke’s goin’ to be makin’ his rounds while he’s here.”
