Page 75 of Collision

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“And you have no idea what the notes were referring to?”

We both shake our heads.

“Based on what you’ve experienced so far, we think someone is trying to send you a message. With each threat, it’s escalated, but you’re not doing whatever it is they want you to do, which led them to attack you.”

Carter gets this faraway look on his face.

“Baby, you okay?” I stroke my thumb across the back of his hand.

He blinks and turns back to face the detectives. “Sorry, something about him saying they were threatening me felt familiar, but then it was gone in an instant.”

“Hopefully, that means some of your memories will come back,” I say.

Carter shrugs. I can tell he’s starting to flag both emotionally and physically.

I think the detectives can see they won’t get anything else from Carter right now, too, so they thank him and leave their cards to call if we think of anything else.

Once they leave, Carter turns to me. “I think I’m going to rest now. Is that okay?”

He looks so defeated. I hate this for him. “Of course, love. You rest, and I’ll fill your family in on how that went.”

“You’ll stay with me until I’m asleep?”

“I’m not going anywhere. Promise.” With a kiss on his forehead, Carter closes his eyes and is asleep within minutes.

I leave his hospital room, knowing his family has been in the waiting room since the detectives got here.

“Hey, how did it go?” Adam asks when he spots me. The whole family crowds around me to hear the update.

“About as well as you’d expect. He remembered a couple of things, but not enough to go on. He’s beating himself up over it.”

“Why am I not surprised?” Matthew says with a shake of his head.

“What’s next?” Cindy asks.

I shrug. “We get him home to heal, I guess.”

“Do you think he should come stay with us?” She turns to Steve.

“He’ll hate that,” Nolan says.

“I’ll stay with him at his house. I’ve already talked with Tucker to get the time off,” I say without giving them a choice. I know Carter well enough now to know he’d hate staying with his parents. It would only overwhelm him, not help him. “Since there aren’t any stairs to get to his bedroom, it’ll help him heal. I don’t think there will be any bad memories at first, and being in the house might help his brain remember something.”

Cindy leans into my side. “I’m so glad Carter found you, Sam. We’re beyond grateful for how well you love him.”

“It’s the easiest thing I’ve ever done.”

“Come on, grumpopotamus. You need to eat a little something, and then we can go back to binging Supernatural.”

“I can feed myself,” Carter says from the couch.

“That’s good news because I didn’t have any plans to hand-feed you.”

He side-eyes me, but the twitch at the corner of his mouth says all I need to know.

“How do we feel about pancakes? I’m ready to redeem myself.” I grin.

“On one condition.”
