Page 78 of Secrets of Alkrose

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“These are the last of the Blood Crowns. The first Shadows to prevail and earn their places at the head of Fernestia. You too will sit where they do should you survive and prove yourself to the Shadow Master and Empress Raven. The Blood Crowns exam will take place in four weeks. At that time you will need to prove your worth to Fernestia.”

Emerai raises his hand to the ceiling and his Shadow glows in the air like Kallos’s does, bright and golden, filled with light, unlike so many others. I still think it’s unfair.

“Prepare to slaughter your classmates. The details of the exam will not be released until the morning of, so I will leave you with this: don’t show your best technique to anyone.” He laughs cruelly and drops his hand, all the light and magic disappearing with it. “For even your closest comrade may end up taking your head.”



Lucina and Aervin walk ahead of me while Rowan and Vinnie keep pace at my sides. The second-floor corridor is bustling with students trying to get to the mess hall for breakfast. The laughter we once all shared has left us. They feared me before my outburst with Terra, but now, they’re all but silent around me.

I can’t say I blame them.

It’s been a long month and a half since I attacked my sister. It’s hard to explain what happened exactly—I was in control, but not, as if Sully was manipulating my heart and mind. The only thing I remember is the consuming anger and hatred.

“Are you going to class today?” Lucina says hopefully. Aervin glances behind his shoulder at me, his blonde hair covering half his forehead.

I shake my head and look over the sea of heads as we enter the mess hall. The Nova table is sparsely occupied, only Ash, Tamaris, and Alani are in attendance.

Alani looks up and waves at us with her usual cheerfulness. She’s the only one who doesn’t seem afraid of me. I don’t think there is anything she truly fears in this world. A disorder, surely.

We take a seat with the two women and silently start eating. Chatter roars around us.

Ash sits off on his own, though Aervin always tries to convince him to sit with us. The others aren’t so forgiving, and though I understand their disdain toward him, having felt the same way myself, I have the discernment of someone whose Shadow has altered him. Like a disease, it spreads, and there is no stopping Sully from consuming what little of me remains.

The only good thing that came out of my fight with Terra was my realization that I will be fine in the exam. Kallos’s cast broke so easily, and I’ve since learned how to do many awful things with my Shadow. Being able to keep my friends safe is perhaps the only ray of hope keeping my head above dark water.

Arthur enters the mess hall, which is odd for him. He hasn’t attended breakfast since classes began in winter. He slowly makes his way over to our table instead of the front where the professors sit.

“Hello, students,” Arthur mutters as he dips his head to the others. Then his eyes find me and my shoulders lower with dread. I can’t stand his boring lectures he’s been forcing me to attend, but it’s either those or normal classes where everyone looks at me like a freak. I was hardly able to force myself to attend the Shadow riding class two weeks ago.

I’ll take the boring lectures.

“Edgar, I hope you’ve eaten, because we are starting class early today.” Arthur smiles placidly and waits as I reluctantly stand up.

“No, he hasn’t even had his toast yet,” Lucina rebuts, leveling the professor with an angry stare. Vinnie hands me a scone and gives me a weak smile. His glasses have a crack through them now, having fallen off his face during a training session.

“Thanks. I’ll catch you guys later,” I say and turn without waiting for their reply. Arthur doesn’t speak until we get to the fourth story. Arthur likes to teach in the sky garden, I’m guessing because he doesn’t get a lot of time outside. His pale skin is an indicator of that much.

“Today’s class will be short. I don’t like lying to my students, Edgar, and I don’t plan on starting now. Elias, Kallos, and Nekane are waiting for us today. They’ve decided that, because of your lack of control, you need to be contained.”

I stop in the middle of the empty corridor. My muscles twitch in my arm with the memory of how the first time went. There’s no way it’s possible to break four casts.


Arthur stops and turns only enough to look at me. His black hair is smoothed back, only a few strands falling out of place as he cocks his head. “Come now, Edgar. Don’t make this harder than it needs to be.” I can hear the grief in Arthur’s voice and that only reassures me that if I let them do this, they’re basically killing me and my comrades.

“No… I won’t be able to protect anyone if you repress my Shadow.” I fist my hands at my sides and level him with a distrustful look. “I’ll never forgive you if you do this. Please, Arthur.”

He stares at me as if he only sees the monster within, not even bothering to utter a word as hands come down on my shoulders, startling me.

I whirl and find the three professors circling me. No.

“I’m sorry, Edgar, this is how it has to be,” Kallos says grimly as all the lights fade from my vision and the only thing left in the dark ocean of my mind is me, left out for the world to devour.


