Page 60 of Enemy Next Door

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“I'm in love with you, Gianna Hermosa,” he says again.

My heart stutters at his words.

“I know it's all too much, but I can't waste more time letting you believe that I never felt anything for you.” He fidgets with his Rolex watch. “I would like to ask you for a chance.” He fires out almost too fast. “To date you.” He explains simply.

I blink at him in shock. It's all happening too fast.

“Are you kidding me?” Maybe I will soon wake up and find that it's just a dream. But I don't want to open my eyes if it's just a dream.

He shakes his head, “I've never been more serious in my life.” He stares at my hand on the table and sighs. “But if you don't want that, it's okay. I will be fine just being your friend.” He looks at me expectantly.

What am I supposed to say when the man I always believed to be incapable of love is in love with me?

He loves me.

It’s all so much, and I don’t know how to make sense of it right now. I'm tongue-tied and shaken.

This is not how I pictured my night. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined this. It feels too good to be true. The weight in my heart is gone, and I feel relieved.

“You don't have to give me an answer now,” he adds when I still don’t say anything.

He stands and stretches out his hand for me to take. I give him a questioning look only to get a shrug in return.

“We need some fresh air.”

I stand and place my hand on his. He starts walking towards the beach and I try to match his step. The wind blows our hair all over the place but we're both smiling brightly. He looks so happy, smiling just as wide, cheeks a dusty pink.

I love him. I've always loved him. And I will always love him.

It would be so easy to give in, so easy to say yes. So easy to let myself fall and have this.

I want to throw myself in his arms and kiss him senseless. I want to try for real. And yet… I'm still afraid. I can’t go through the heartache again.

“Gianna,” he says my name like a prayer, an entreaty.

My heart flips in my chest as I stare at his face, mapping his earnest expression.

“I love you,” he screams into the night. His voice echoes all over the beach.

As much as I would like to say it back, I'm too embarrassed to. He pulls me into his arms, wraps me in a tight embrace, and rests his cheek on the crown of my head.

“I love you,” he whispers this time, and it quells the shaking in my chest.

Chapter 20


“I've bought him out. He has been removed from being the CEO. He's dirt broke now,” Clark informs me, looking overjoyed at his achievement.

I take the files from him and scan through them, smiling. I snap them close and offer him a proud smile. “You did a great job. Because of this, I will give you a reward.”

He straightens up in his chair, appearing suddenly interested in what I have to say.

“You are getting a raise and a two-month long vacation to any country of your choice. All expenses sponsored by me.”

He beams, “I’m very grateful, boss.”

“I'm more grateful for what you have done. You completely destroyed the bastard.” Perez is now ruined beyond repair. I can imagine him making a fuss right now, throwing things.
