Page 5 of Property Of Maisy

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“It sure as hell did, babe.” I narrow my eyes on her stubborn face. “You can keep fooling yourself into thinking you weren’t just dreaming about me, but I know exactly what I heard. You were calling for me to make that pussy of yours feel good. Maybe if you let me take care of your problem, you wouldn’t be so pissed right now.”

“Aggggh…” She practically shrieks, and I swear if her boot weren’t attached to her foot, it’d be launched at my head.

I think what her real problem is right now isn’t that she woke up in my arms and was caught in the act. I think it’s the fact that I now know the truth. There’s a part of her, however much she tries to deny it, that still wants me. She’s obviously attracted to me, considering she called me “mega hot” last night and was dreaming about me. And I think she’s pissed her little secret’s out of the bag.

She shrugs on her other boot and stands, placing her hands on her hips as her stubborn chin cocks up.

“The next time you see me drinking and having fun, spare me your knight-in-shining armor act. I’d rather end up in anyone else’s bed.”

Ouch. Fuck, that hurts. And, yeah, she can throw her jabs all she wants, but that ain’t fucking happening. I’ll bite my tongue for now because it will only fuel her fire. But like I said, the days of her coming to the clubhouse and ending the night in one of my brother’s rooms is over. The days of her ending up with any other man, period, are over. She’s mine. And if anyone tries to take her from me, I’ll make damn sure they know just how savage of a Savage Knight I can be.

“Oh, yeah. Well, I wonder how Trigger would’ve felt waking up to you calling my name this morning? Not sure he’d be too happy, knowing it’s me you really want to be fucked by and not him. Not sure any of my brothers would like hearing another man’s name while you’re tucked in their beds, for that matter. So maybe you should quit lying to yourself and just fuck the one you really want.”

I point my hands to my chest, and her eyes narrow down to slits before she turns and storms out of my room. I’m half tempted to storm after her sexy ass, but I know my stubborn girl, and I know she needs a moment to recover from this. She can have the day. But come tonight, I’m going after her and I won’t give up until I make her mine.



OH MY GOD. I can’t believe that just happened. I grip my steering wheel with both hands, practically shaking, and it has nothing to do with the leftover alcohol coursing through my veins or the hangover that’s threatening the back of my eyes with a massive headache. Ice just witnessed me masturbating while I was deep in the trenches of my reoccurring dream. Shit.

Now he knows how I feel about him. What I want from him. And the smug asshole was more than happy to throw it in my face.

Fuckity, fuck , fuck, fuck!

I shouldn’t want that man. The bastard hurt me. He fucked the Barbie cheerleader because I went home and didn’t put out for him, and then he started dating the bitch the moment we broke up. Apparently, I was just a placeholder until something shiny and new flashed her glitter in his direction and captured his attention.

He dated Amber for two months, and then I guess he grew tired of her, too, and wanted to dabble around in the ocean a bit. Because ever since our breakup, I’ve heard about all the women he’s slept with. And each time I learn of another one, I get so jealous it makes me sick. That’s when I go get shit-faced and find myself another guy to try to help me forget about the one who still owns my traitorous heart.

I screech into my parking space and slam my Mustang into park. Dammit! Why can’t I just hate him, forget about him, and move the fuck on with someone else? Maybe I just need to get out of this town. The only problem with that is everyone I love and care about lives here. This has been my home for my entire life, and I love it here. I love my job. I love my friends. And my best friend lives here.

No! If anyone should be forced to leave, it’s him. But I know that’s never going to happen. He’s the freaking VP of the Savage Knights MC, and a king in this place. There’s no way he’s leaving when he has such a good thing going. Besides, his sweet momma still lives here, and that man would never leave her to fend for herself.

Honestly, the only good thing I can say about Ice, even after everything he did to me, is he’s sweet on his momma and takes good care of her. I love that woman as if she were my own mother since mine passed away when I was a kid, and I know exactly from Brenda’s lips how sweet her son is to her. Shit… Just thinking of his soft side does something to me. And it’s so freaking aggravating.

Why does he have to be so damn hot? And a softy even though he looks like a freaking dangerous criminal? And why did he have to be so damn considerate and take care of me last night? Not that I would ever tell the infuriating man, but I’m thankful I didn’t wake up in someone else’s arms this morning. I obviously drank enough to black out last night since I didn’t remember how I ended up in his bed. And after what happened with Axle last time, it’s a good thing Ice stepped in.

I slam my front door and look at the clock. It’s seven in the morning, so there’s no sense in me bothering with sleep, not that I’d be able to fall asleep even if I wanted to. My mind is a wreck and my body is buzzing with nervous energy. Instead of finding my bed, I get into the shower and try to calm my overheated mind with some overheated water.

Why the hell did he look out for me and keep me safe? He doesn’t care about me. If he did, he wouldn’t have betrayed me. He didn’t even fight for me. He didn’t beg me to forgive him. He started dating her. It wasn’t a naïve mistake, it was a choice. And he didn’t choose me. He chose her. He wanted her.

My mind spins out of control as I desperately try to get things done. But no amount of laundry, television, or failed chores do anything to settle my thoughts. And by the time I need to head into work, I’m more than ready for the distraction. I’m ready for the noise and to be surrounded by people. I’m ready to focus on orders and delivering drinks. I’m ready to stop thinking about the smoking-hot, broody man who still has my stomach tied up in knots. Who still holds the broken pieces of my heart.

I walk into Trigger’s before my shift even starts, and Max gives me a look. I’m usually the one five minutes late for work because a good song is playing in my car and I won’t turn it off until I’m finished singing the whole darn thing. I’m rarely here early enough to make sure the glasses are spotless, the shelf is filled with new bottles, and the tables are all wiped clean. Thankfully, Max isn’t the type to meddle so he doesn’t bother asking about my sudden need to be employee of the month.

But when Riley shows up for work, she definitely knows something is up from the look she’s giving me. And she isn’t afraid to stick her nose in my business, which I’m thankful for because I really need to talk to someone about this.

“Are you okay? Rake said he saw you storming out of the clubhouse before dawn. I’m so sorry I didn’t stay by your side last night. I should have, especially since I’m the one who asked you to come to the party in the first place.”

I shake my head and pull my dear friend in for a hug. “Please don’t, Riley. I’m a big girl and can handle myself. Or I thought I could. But now I know I’m never going to have another drink again in my life. At least not in the foreseeable future. I messed up, Riley. Big time.”

She pulls back, and the worry is written in every line formed on her face and around her frown. “What happened, Maisy? If one of the guys took advantage of you while you were drunk, Axle will kill them.”

“No.” I shake my head. “They wouldn’t even touch me. But…” I pause, trying to find the courage to tell her what happened. I finally decide to just rip off the Band-Aid and continue. “Ice took me to his room since I’d had too much to drink, and I kind of…well…I kind of had a dream about him. Um…a sex dream. And was, well…talking in my sleep. Um…more like moaning. And when I woke up, I was…well, my fingers were buried in my panties, and Ice was getting a show.”

Her shocked gasp is followed by a giggle, and I can’t help but slap her arm—playfully, of course. “Hey! You’re not supposed to find that funny. You’re supposed to be on my side here. Remember?”

She quickly bites down on her lip, still trying to fight the giggles. “Sorry, yes. I know. So what is your side, exactly?”
