Page 11 of Snow Angel

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Wesley sits up, taking his arm and his lovely warmth with him. I panic, scrambling up to stop him from leaving, but he holds out a hand.

“Patience. Let me turn on a light.”

Oh. “Good idea,” I say, a bit breathless. Relief spreads through me and I settle back under the covers, watching the faint outline of his shadowy figure as he finds the camping lantern on the bedside table and lights it.

Faded yellow light illuminates the room and this time when Wesley slips into bed beside me, I can see his face in detail. His hair, unstyled and left to air-dry, flops over his forehead in dark waves, the long strands touching the nape of his neck. His mouth is red, probably from biting his lips too much, and that flush tinges his skin.

He drapes his arm back around my waist, and I push us closer together, burrowing into his warm, solid body. I want to stay like this forever.

“I’m not a virgin,” he says, and his eyes pin me in place.

I lick my lips. “Oh. So, you know about sex and stuff?”

The corner of his mouth tilts up, and Wesley nods. “Yes, I know about sex and stuff. Why the sudden interest?”

“I don’t know, I realized I’ve never seen you with anyone before.”

“I’ve been with people. Mostly guys but there have been a few girls, too,” Wesley says. “I don’t make a habit of announcing it.”

No kidding. We’ve been friends for three years and until now I’ve never really thought about his sex life too deeply. He always seemed uncomfortable when our other friends brought it up, so I assumed he didn’t want to talk about it. Even though we talk about everything, I don’t want to push where I’m not wanted. Wesley respects this and treats me the same when I don’t want to talk about my ex.

“And what about… stuff when you’re alone?"

Wesley closes his eyes for a second, but they flicker open the next moment and his gaze latches onto mine.

“You want to know if I’ve ever touched myself.”

The words ‘touched myself’ falling from his lips are so hot that I can’t think. Heat spreads to my groin and the panic from before sets in again.

No, no, no. This is the worst time for my body to be having a reaction.

But I can’t help it. With the weight of Wesley all around me, his face pressed close to mine, and the topic of conversation... it’s enough to make any guy a little excited.

“Yeah,” I say. My voice sounds hoarse.

“Yes,” Wesley says. “I’m twenty-one years old, of course I do.”

“What do you think about?”

Wesley shakes his head. “I don’t think we should continue this topic.”

But I want to know. Curiosity is eating away at me; now that I’ve opened up these thoughts, I don’t think I can close them again. Like some perverse sort of Pandora's box.

My cock has taken an interest, too. I squirm again, pressing ever closer to Wesley, and gasp when my crotch brushes against his by accident. Something hard, and unbelievably big, brushes against me. Wesley lets out a low ‘mm’ sound that goes straight to my cock.

I pause, shocked. “You’re hard.”

It sounds like an accusation.

“So are you,” Wesley says. He’s staring at me intently, his expression unreadable. “How long have you been like this?”

“Since you squeezed my hip, probably."

Since I walked into the bedroom. Since you said we could sleep in the same bed. I feel almost light-headed with how much I want to reach down between my legs and rub.

“We could try to fall asleep and ignore it?” I suggest, even though I don’t want to.

“That would take too long and would waste time,” Wesley says slowly. “There is one other option. We could resolve the problem to completion. Here, in the bed. Together.”
