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Just then, Andrew walks out of the house, with a long black snake hanging from the end of the rake.

“Is it poisonous?” I shout to him, taking a step back, my heart picking up speed once again.

“Venomous,” Avery corrects me once again. I roll my eyes at the phone screen.

“Nope, just a rat snake. He’s a good guy,” He says, carrying him across his backyard towards the alley and disappearing along the fence line.

I turn my face back towards the phone to shoot Avery a disgusted look, only to be interrupted by Andrew’s return.

“Did you kill him?” I ask, although I’m not sure I want to know the answer.

“No ma’am. Those snakes eat mice, and they kill the bad snakes. We want that kind around here. I threw him in the treeline behind the alley.”

I scrunch my nose. I don’t like the sound of this. “You don’t think he will come back to my house, will he?”

“I wouldn’t if I were him.” He replies with no emotion, obviously a dig at me.

If he hadn’t just saved my life, I’d say something shitty in return, but just this once I’ll keep my mouth shut.

“Thank you for your help.” I say, trying my best to smile. “I appreciate it.”

He doesn’t respond, just waves over his shoulder as he makes his way back to his house, wasting no time for conversation.

I hate myself for it, but I can’t help but let my eyes linger as he walks away. Why does he have to be such a jerk and so freaking hot at the same time? Dammit. His horrible attitude ought to be enough for him to completely turn me off. However, his eagerness to help me just hours after our confrontation causes me to wonder if he isn’t such a jerk after all. I bite into my lower lip as I watch him disappear.

“I saw that.” Avery interrupts me. I forgot I still have her on FaceTime.

My face reddens. “You saw nothing.” I mutter.

“Nothing except you checking him out. Pretty sure you were picturing him naked. You know, makeup sex can be a lot of fun after an argument.” She wiggles her eyebrows. “And for the record, blue collar guys can do some great things. Much better than the nerds that you’re used to.”

“Goodbye.” I sigh and disconnect the call before stuffing my phone back in my pocket. There is no chance I’ll be getting involved with a guy like that.

* * *

The bell above the door at Drip rings cheerily as I push my way through on Wednesday morning. I have to admit, while I’m fully capable of making coffee at home, I’m loving the routine of a morning walk and a fresh coffee before starting work for the day.

“Hey there, beautiful,” Cassidy shouts across the room. “I just love seeing your pretty face here every morning.” She says, moving towards me to envelop me into a hug. “It’s so good to have you home.” She whispers into my hair while squeezing me tight.

When she finally releases me, I offer her a half smile. I admit it, I’m enjoying the quiet and simplicity of small town life. Everything is just so much slower than what I’ve been used to after all these years. “It’s good to be back.” I reply, worried that I might mean that a little too much.

“How’s the house going?” She asks, moving to the counter to take my order.

“Sugar free vanilla cold brew latte please, a big one.” I wink and hand her my debit card. “Slow. Sorting through all of her things is a lot of work, but I’m getting there.” I yawn and stretch, waiting for my coffee. “Avery talked me into having a yard sale.” I grumble. “Once all the extra stuff is gone, I think I’ll be able to make some actual progress.”

Cassidy shakes her head softly, obviously reminiscent of my late grandmother. “That Hazel. She was quite a collector.”

“Of EVERYTHING.” I add with a laugh as she wipes my cup off with a rag and slides it across the counter to me.

“Have you met that neighbor of yours yet?” She asks, wiggling her eyebrows. “He’s a cutie.”

I sigh. “Yeah, we’ve met.” I respond, not allowing myself to elaborate any further. “He’s okay, I guess.” I say with a shrug, trying to sound aloof to the entire thing. “I hadn’t really noticed.”

“Oh, come on,” she says as she leans across the counter towards me. “A young, single girl like you hasn’t noticed that?” She raises her brows at me. “I don’t believe that for a second. Have you seen him without a shirt on?” She fans herself dramatically with her hand and I stifle a giggle.

“Okay, yes. He is nice to look at.” I admit, “But I’m in no position to be ogling him. Don’t forget, I just got out of a long-term relationship, and the last thing I need to do is get tangled up with another man.” I pause. “Besides, I’m only staying here for a few months. Getting involved with someone, anyone, would just further complicate things.”

“Whatever you say, sister.” She says, handing my card back to me. “But if I was your age, I would be all over that. There’s nothing wrong with having a little fun.” She adds with a wink.
