Page 70 of Hooking a Hottie

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Oh, believe me, he had a heart.

One time when I was nineteen, I went for a drive with a friend out on a dirt road that he told me to stay away from. I wanted to be cool and have some fun. I was an adult - dammit! - I could do what I wanted.

Five minutes into my joyride, I hit a rock and blew out a tire.

When I called my grandfather for help, he showed up, changed my tire for me, then followed me off that dirt road.

He didn’t say a word about it either.

He hugged me tight, kissed the top of my head, and told me he was glad I was okay.

I exited story time to check on my son.

Travis and Mitch each had a plate stacked a mile high with meatballs.

They sat together in a corner, bored, but joking around and laughing.

From the corner of my eye, I saw a figure take up the entire doorway.

When I turned my head and saw Henry, my jaw almost dropped.

I couldn’t get over how damn good he looked.

In fact, everyone took a second to look at Henry.

This monster of a man.

Walking into the fire hall, walking right toward me.

With Henry just a few feet away, a sense of relief hit me, then I felt a sudden jolt of ew as I felt someone touch the middle of my back.

This was the last thing I needed.

Tad standing next to me, looking slightly prideful. As though he… owned me…

I saw the look in Henry’s eyes.

Last time I saw that look he was getting ready to pummel my high school boyfriend.

“Thanks for coming to this,” Tad said. “Means a lot to all of us.”

Oh, you are slime…

Henry looked at me curiously.

I stepped to my right, out of Tad’s creepy reach.

“Something to drink?” I offered Henry.

He looked around. “I’m good on my own.”

I pleaded with him with my eyes.

I wanted to tell him everything. Yet I didn’t know why it mattered so much to me. In a day or so - maybe even today - Henry would get on a flight and be back to his normal life. His professional hockey player life. He had nothing here. No business in a small town like this. And definitely nothing to do with me. A single mother?

It almost felt like I was being pushed into the arms of Tad.

That made me want to vomit.
