Page 52 of Slower

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He shakes his head as he pulls out a pick identical to the one I’m holding. “Nope.”

Before I can turn around, he tugs me forward. A stool materializes from one of the tech guys who was formerly MIA. Corrin points toward it.

“Have a seat, love.”

There’s a loud chorus of ‘awwww’ from the thousands of fans watching this entire thing. I sit, the chair helping my unsteady legs. It’s not that I hate the spotlight or anything. It’s more that I’m not sure what I’m meant to do. This wasn’t in the plan for tonight’s show.

Corrin turns so he’s facing me and the crowd at the same time. “Everyone, say hi to Austen.”

The crowd screams hello to me. I blush as I wave at them awkwardly.

“Austen, say hi back.” He tips the microphone my way.

“Hey everyone.”

More cheering comes from the fans. They’re excited to know what all this means, as am I.

“Tonight is a special night. See, it’s not only the last night of this leg of the tour. It’s also the anniversary of the first time I met Austen. Back then, he was a young guy who paid me no mind. He had no clue I was smitten or that I would spend the next several years wishing he’d give me a clue he wanted more.”

Corrin strums the intro to the last song of the album. The one that’s our story put to music. My eyes water. I have to fight not to lose my cool on stage.

This is totally going to end up all over social media. Tenn will have a field day over it.

“But then one day, my brother-in-law and his partner concocted this brilliant plan because my parents kept trying to set me up.” He rolls his eyes dramatically. “Love them to pieces, but we weren’t on the same page. Thankfully, Smith had my back on what I needed. And somehow, the stars and the universe aligned to make every best possible outcome a reality. I got my man. I got my album. I got my freedom.”

The stadium roars with excitement. I’m clapping too, my love for Corrin and all he’s been through tearing my heart wide open.

“While I’m more than happy with my career and the turn it’s taken, I need you all to know that none of it would have been possible without this man right here. Austen Page is my muse. He’s also my boyfriend.”

Corrin twists his guitar to the side and pulls the mic from its stand.

“And I’m hoping…”

He reaches into his pocket.

“That he’ll agree…”

He pulls out a small box.

“To be my husband.”

He kneels.

“Marry me, love?”

I lean down as he points the mic my way. “Yes!”

If I thought they were loud before, I was mistaken. The drums kick up as the crowd loses their fucking minds. There are streamers and pyrotechnics. It’s as if every big finale set up for the show explodes around us.

Corrin pulls me into a kiss in the midst of it all. I feel the confetti land on us, and I hear the noise, but none of it matters. Not when there’s this moment, this memory to hold on to.
