Page 114 of Shot at Love

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Ali stood there in her leggings and sweatshirt, with her hands on her hips. “Uh-huh. And you’re just lucky that you’re cute.”

Willow stood by Ali’s side, holding her new unicorn and her doll tightly.

“Willow, did your Uncle Luc get you something yummy in the cafeteria?” Kassie asked her.

Willow nodded. She still had a little chocolate pudding on her face.

“Willow, it’s okay if you want to go in and see mommy and daddy now. Just be quiet in case your new little brother is sleeping.” Ali opened the hospital suite door for her, and the little girl ran inside and hopped onto the bed with Trina.

“Hey beautiful, you okay?” Luc wrapped his arms around Kassie. He dropped a kiss on the top of her head.

“Yeah. Everything is good.”

“That’s great to hear, sweets. By the way, while we were getting pudding, which by the way was delicious, Ali found something online that she thought you’d like to see.”

“Oh yeah! I really think you should see this.” Ali stood with her arm around Kaden. First, she held her phone for her husband to see.

Kaden rolled his eyes, but it was out of jest this time. “And so it starts.”

Ali left his side and huddled next to Kassie. “Looks like there’s no doubt now. You are officially a WAG.”

Taking Ali’s phone, she saw a photo of her and Luc posing together at the Halloween party. But it wasn’t on Luc’s page, nor on Ali’s. It was on a social media page about hockey WAGs, and they had re-posted it from Luc’s personal page.

“Can they do that?” Kassie asked.

“Do what?” Ali asked.

“Re-post something from Luc’s personal page?”

Luc grinned. “Sweets, as long as my page is public, anyone can re-post it.”

So, he had known exactly what he was doing, posting those pictures tonight.

“Well, Kassie. Looks like the world of social media has dubbed you a WAG. There’s no going back now.” Ali read the caption aloud. “Renegades puck-star Luc Marcella with girlfriend Kassie at team Halloween party. Luc! Ha! They even got your self-proclaimed nickname. Guess more people know about it than we thought.”

“But Luc just took that a few hours ago!”

“It took long enough. I hashtag it all the time.” Luc beamed, proud of himself that his nickname was finally being recognized. He squeezed her harder. “Now the entire hockey-fan world knows I’m with you. It’s out there for everyone to see that you are my one and only.”

Everything he had done lately was to prove to her that he was committed to her and only her. As if fighting to keep her wasn’t enough, now this. It warmed her heart and gave her a sense of security.

“Honey, you’re a WAG now. I told you that you were one of us!” Paige rushed into the hall and exclaimed. “Oh, and speaking of that, we’re making jackets for this season. I can’t wait for you to see them.”

“Kass, I’ll tell you all about them. Come sit down with us.” Ali smiled, grabbing her arm and heading towards Trina’s room. “And you’ll have to come help us design them.”

“Uh, Kass?” Luc called out, as Ali continued talking about the new WAGs jackets and pulling Kassie into the room. “Maybe I’ll just go get some more pudding. Kaden? You want to go to the cafeteria for some chocolate pudding?”

Kassie looked back at Luc and shrugged her shoulders with an apologetic smile. He was smiling at her, a warm, loving grin. “It’s fine. Enjoy it. I’ll bring you back some pudding, sweets.”

“I wonder if they have any pizza down there?” Kaden asked, as the two guys walked away. Her brother and her boyfriend, bonding over cafeteria food. Figured.

She had the WAGs hat and the shirt. A new group of friends who were more like family, and she finally had her big brother back. And the best part of it all, there was not a doubt in her mind that Luc was all hers, and she could finally tell anyone who would listen that she was his one and only. She was still Kaden O’Conner’s little sister, but she was also Luc Marcella’s lady, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.

The End
