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Soon we were both coated in our combined release and blood, something that became totally symbolic, because it drove Jared into a fucking frenzy! Our bodies were both slick with our sordid act and something that most likely would have turned most people off. But I couldn’t help allowing it to fuel the fire Jared built within me. The knowledge of what this was doing to him, how much it was turning him on, this desperate need to own me and stake his claim, was burning me up inside. I had never been more turned on in my life. Hence why the next time I cried out my release, it was one so strong, I started to lose consciousness to the echoing sound of Jared giving in to his second orgasm.

After this I vaguely remember bits of what happened next. Like Jared lifting me up and carrying me back into the shower. So many moments of tenderness passed me by in waves. This time he hadn’t just left me in there, but instead took great care in washing every inch of the mess he had made. I felt like I had taken some kind of sex drug and wondered if it was because he had let me drink too much of his blood.

Was I drunk on Jared?

Sometime later, the feeling passed and I woke to find Jared stroking my now dry hair. He also must have felt me wake as he said,

“I would not have let you go.” I froze against him where he had me tucked to his side, with my head against his chest and his arm curled around my back. Thoughts of the shower came back to me, which was why I wasn’t surprised to find us both clean and naked in bed. Of course, I knew what he was talking about, which was why I was still so tense against him.

“I don’t think we should talk about this,” I commented quietly, remembering how we got to being here and how he had made me feel when referring back to his past that I had, for a short time, been a part of. But then I felt his fingertips at the tender part on my neck where he purposely hadn’t healed me completely. No, he wanted it to scar… again.

“Well, I think I can safely say that particular brand of crazy has now left me,” he said, scoffing a laugh and no doubt doing so at the memory of his own irrational behavior. So, I shifted to look up at him and asked,

“Think you can promise that, do you?”

“After what we just did, then yes, I am satisfied you are thoroughly claimed and by the right version of me once more.” I swear my lady parts fluttered at this and I was tempted to give it a slap and chastise, ‘down girl’.

Thankfully, though, I refrained from my own brand of insanity and instead focused on what was no doubt to become a serious conversation.

“Alright, what do you want to know?” I asked, running my fingertips across the ridges of his six pack abs, just like I had done many times before in bed.

“Apart from everything, mainly how you managed to…”

“Escape you?” I finished off, making him give me a squeeze before admitting,

“I doubt it was easy.”

“Oh no, it was definitely not easy. I think there was at least a few attempts made on my part.” He scoffed at that.

“Knowing you, then yeah, I can imagine I had my work cut out for me.” I dug my elbow into his side hearing that, making him chuckle.

“Well, in the end, I’m ashamed to say that I had no choice but to break a promise.”

“Ah, you speak of the blood oath I must have forced your hand in making.” At this I gasped in surprise, before shifting so I could see him more fully. Then I asked in a cautious tone,

“You know about that?” But this was when he surprised me further and told me,

“But of course, as I felt it the moment the oath was made.”

“But how? I made it with you from the past.” At this he narrowed his gaze for a few seconds before informing me,

“What’s his loss, is my eternal gain…”

“…little Summoner of mine.”



After this we talked more about my time in the past, and I was surprised how much Jared had actually discovered himself. Of course, the hardest part was when talking about when I first arrived there. I didn't know how he knew, but when he asked the question about meeting him when he was still mortal, I couldn't help my tense reactions and apprehensive responses. He then assured me that it was all right, that I could trust him not to freak out again (my words, not his). But naturally, he didn't understand the true depth of what he was asking me for. Of course, I knew that the right thing to do was to tell him about his wife and the treacherous nature in how he came to be the HellBeast King.

But once again, I just couldn't do it.

I was torn between my subconscious screaming at me to just be honest and the other part of me was utterly terrified. Terrified that he wouldn't believe me and that the memory of her was still too strong to fight against. We had come so far and been through so much, that this part felt more like an unnecessary cruelty. As if it was just the bitter icing on some Demonic cake that never should have been baked in the first place. The irony of it was not lost on me, because Jared had been too afraid to tell me about his wife for fear of losing me and now I was doing the same.

But of course, I knew that Jared loved me and that, in all likelihood, my fears were unfounded. But that tiny shred of doubt held so much power over me, that I couldn't help but ask myself what if he didn't believe it. What if his reaction was one that I couldn't help but be hurt by? Because it wasn't just Jared’s feelings I was trying to protect. In truth, it was also my own.

So instead of taking what was no doubt the perfect opportunity, like a coward, I pressed on. I told him how one minute I was there and the next I wasn't. That I was in a different time and faced with a very different Jared. I could tell that he wanted to ask me so many more questions about this. Like he knew that I was holding back, but he too feared what and why it would be. So, in that moment, neither of us pushed for more, nor did we offer anything other than what we had to say to move the story along.
