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“He must be planning something, if his allegiance with the most powerful Summoner…”

“Before the bitch lost her head…” Sigurd interjected, making me grin his way in thanks before Dom carried on with his point.

“…gives us any insight to his plans, for he must have needed her for a reason, and I believe it to be more than just her ability to imprison you.” I tensed at that, as I had also questioned this.

Niniane might have been a pawn in all this, but I agreed that she was being used for something far more than just a means to get me out of the way. Summoned souls may have been impossible to kill, but their summoner was not and therefore, even if these souls had been expected to fight in a war, one attack aimed at Niniane and they would have been rendered useless. And well, there was plenty of Demonic beings in Hell that had the ability to kill a summoner, without needing to reach the Book of Souls that harnessed their power.

“Perhaps this still has something to do with him building an army,” Clay said, making me shake my head, but Dom replied before I had chance to.

“Or perhaps it had something to do with him needing Ella, an old soul we know nothing about, other than the fact that she has been called a Summoning Queen, a title everyone here believed was nothing more than a myth and a Hell's fable that we know very little about.”

“Nothing other than whispers thousands of years old,” Seth added with a frown.

“Whispers that Death Dealers may still remember being told. I will see what I can find,” Dom said, obviously referring to Carrick.

“Then I suggest finding it quickly, as I don't know what effect or changes this will have on Ella,” I was hastened to add, as she was my main concern in all this.

“Has she shown any ill effects?” Lucius asked.

“Not yet, but that is not what concerns me most,” I replied again, feeling my whole body tense before I was ready to reveal my biggest concerns.

“Which is?” Dom was quick to ask.

“Whether or not being a Summoner is going to make her a target for others or make it easier for that fuck to get to her? As he may still be the asshole I want to kill and maim, but I know determination when I see it. He's been looking for Ella all her life and he won't stop now that he's found her… Summoner or not,” I warned, trying to control my wrath at the idea, as I felt my eyes glow from having my HellBeast howling at me, desperate for his revenge.

“Then we must protect my niece at all costs,” Dom declared, easing the rage building inside me.

“Agreed.” Everyone around the table nodded in agreement. For now that each of us had found and claimed our fated, with myself being the last, we all knew of the importance in keeping them safe, doing so as a collective if need be. And I had to admit, it felt good to have strength in numbers.

Dom had been trying to create this Table of Kings for as long as I could remember, but back when I was first approached by him, I had thought it nothing but a strategic move on his part to gain more power. But back then I was even more arrogant than I was now and, therefore, easily missed the bigger picture.

But since Keira had come along and, with it, fulfilling the fated prophecy, it had meant being faced with the closest thing to an end of the world any of us had ever encountered. Meaning that many of us had since then seen the error of our ways and agreed to enter into this eternal agreement. So as to prevent anything like this from ever happening again. The most powerful of our kind, coming together and acknowledging the responsibility we had to the rest of the realms, not just that of the mortal one we lived in.

Because Dom wasn't gunning for more power, he merely wanted to prevent the next threat before it had chance to rise to an unbeatable level. We might have won that day but that had been the closest we had all come to total annihilation. He wanted to ensure that if there were any threats against mankind's existence brought about by supernatural means, then that was a threat we faced together. As that had been his plan all along, and I had to respect him for that. I had to respect him for playing the long game. And well, since meeting his chosen one, he therefore understood more than most the importance of protecting all the Kings’ fated. Which meant that everyone sitting at this table would die for either one of our fated Queens.

And like I said…

It was certainly good to have strength in numbers.

“Then I suggest we adjourn this meeting until we know more. We all have our spies, so let's put them to good use, gentlemen,” Dom said, and we all gave our collective nods in return, with Sigurd downing his bottle of beer and declaring,

“Thank fuck for that, now I get to go and party with my woman.” Then he nudged Seth next to him, and I had to admit, it was a strange friendship the two had. Especially seeing as you couldn't have found two people any more different. With that being said, we all knew how such a friendship had been formed. And once again, the saying strength in numbers not only meant a lot to me in this moment, but it had also meant a lot to them.

As for now, once everybody had risen from the table, there was one last thing I needed to discuss and this time, it was with Dom alone. He saw this and nodded for Lucius to give us a minute, as it was clear I had something to say. However, as soon as the door closed, he must have believed it to be something else, and he instantly held up his hand and said,

“If it is your intention to cast more blame my way for the things I kept from you, then please spare me. Had I believed the outcome to be any different with such knowledge known, then I would have divulged the information sooner.”

“Relax, Dom, I'm not here to rip you a new one.”

He scoffed at that.

“Then enlighten me quickly, as I have a queen I am eager to get back to.” Yeah, he wasn’t the only one, I thought with a smirk. Hence why I told him,

“I have a plan but I need your help.”

“And this plan of yours, is it another one that Ella is not to have knowledge of?” I grinned at that, as clearly, he knew me well.

“No, but then if she did, then that would kind of defeat the object here.” He narrowed his gaze, questioning what it could be, making me tell him,
