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“You dance?” My tone must have said it all, because he smirked before answering in an amused tone,

“I do.”

“Wow, you are just full of surprises tonight, Mr. Cerberus,” I told him, making him tell me…

“The night isn’t over yet, baby.”



“Ican’t believe you dance,” I commented, again shocked by this because he had never said.

“That depends, now if you asked me to be the male lead in Swan Lake and toss you around the stage in a pair of tights, then that would be a hard limit for me, Red.” I couldn't help but burst out laughing at this. A sight that pleased him, if the big grin on his face was anything to go by. But then he took my hand in his and started walking me toward the dance floor, a space that was filling up quickly with couples.

“But as far as slow dances go, well, I think I can manage to keep up… even with sneaky little experts that sneak onto my stage,” he said, adding this part on a whisper before winking at me. I scoffed in feign outrage at this but, in the end, I couldn't help but keep the smile from my face. Especially as he slowly spun me around and pulled me toward him once we made it to free space on the floor.

“You know, I could always teach you different dances,” I told him, making him grin before reminding me,

“Yes, and we could also go on cruise ship and I could learn the tango before falling on my arse.” I laughed at that, knowing he was referring to my parents’ story.

“You're right, I don't suppose there are many occasions like this one that really warrant a HellBeast learning how to dance.”

“Oh, I don't know about that,” he said cryptically, and my expression must have been of the questioning kind, because he looked over to where my aunt and uncle were also slow dancing.

“Your aunt and uncle do throw this party every year… hence the name,” he teased, making me giggle.

In all honesty, it was the most natural I had seen him in the last week. Had I not been too afraid to ruin the moment, I would have asked him why that was. I couldn't help but fear that the reason behind it was that he too wanted to make the most of our time together. That he didn't want anything to come between this night, nor did he want anything to spoil it. Not like the constant cruel streak of reality that kept chasing us, no matter what time we lived in.

So, we continued to dance, teasing each other, like when I told him that he wasn't that bad at dancing for such a big guy.

“I have been known to be quite light-footed on occasion,” he informed me arrogantly, continuing in his playful way.

“Really? Then perhaps I should swap Beastman for twinkle toes?” At this he pretended to snarl at me, snapping his teeth before burying his head into my neck and warning me with a rumble of words,

“Behave, my little dancing girl.”

“Now where's the fun in that, Twinkl…” I never got to finish because he crushed his lips to mine and kissed his new nickname not only from my lips, but also from my mind.

When I heard my mom shouting my name, I knew that our time of dancing and kissing was at an end, and I turned just in time for her hug.

“Oh my! Look at you, look how beautiful you are! That dress, oh my God, it’s gorgeous!” I couldn’t keep the grin from my face when I looked to the man responsible for it and told her,

“Jared bought it for me.” My mom looked shocked a moment before she told him,

“Well, you are with my daughter, so of course you have good taste.” Jared stepped up to my mother, embraced her, and kissed her cheek, telling her,

“I can also easily see where she gets her beauty from, as you look beautiful tonight, Mrs. Connor,” he said, making my mom blush before waving her hand and say,

“That’s Libby to you and thank you, Jared, you are also looking very handsome.”

“But not as handsome as me I hope?” my dad said, winking at me as he nudged my mom’s arm before coming to hug me, telling me affectionately,

“My wild child, you are a vision tonight.” I beamed up at him, and said,

“And you are a biased father, a handsome one,” I added, winking back and making him scoff before telling me in a more serious tone,

“No, Ella, I am not and Jared is a lucky man, something he already knows, I am sure.” This last part was directed at the man in question, making Jared shake my father’s hand and say,
