Page 19 of The Pain We Nurture

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I’m out on a date. We’re out further than I expected, just pay attention to my location. If I’m not home by 1a call the po-po. Colin McDermont is his name. -O

Olivia typed out the message fast before lowering her phone and glancing nervously at Colin.

He remained looking out the windshield and smiled cheekily, as if he realized what she was doing.

“You’re safe with me, Olivia,” Colin rumbled reassuringly in his smooth voice, before reaching over and placing his hand on her thigh. She sucked in a breath at the contact of his hand on her. His accent seemed thicker, and she briefly wondered if it’d be weird to ask him to speak to her in his language.

The warmth of Colin’s hand seeped through her dress, stunning her and saturating her senses. He gave her thigh a slight squeeze before reaching to turn on her seat warmer, and putting his hand back on the gear shift.

Her heart beat a strange tattoo, stealing her breath and making her slightly dizzy. Thinking maybe that’s why she couldn’t talk, she couldn’t breathe right next to him. She briefly contemplated offering him the hundred dollars for him to turn and take her back home, knowing it would be incredibly rude. However, she really didn’t care for these feelings she was having. They were genuinely scaring her.

“We’re going to this little Italian restaurant that I know; the chef is pretty famous,” Colin spoke quietly, keeping his tone neutral.

Olivia watched him steer, maneuvering them along a steep hill before turning onto a hidden asphalt road that led to a pair of gates. Stopping shy of them by a few feet, he grabbed his phone off the dock and quickly texted a number. A few seconds later the gates opened before letting them into a plush clearing with a small parking lot.

Olivia glanced at him. He had a rather smug look on his face.

“This is the restaurant? It looks like a house!” she gaped at him, watching the last two cars leave the parking lot, their lights fading in the background behind them.

She quickly let herself out before he could open the door.

Colin rounded to her side quickly, placing his big hand on the door before she could slam it shut. She furrowed her brow, seeing he looked irritated.

“Olivia, when we are out together you will allow me to open doors for you. Don’t do it again,” Colin clipped, his expression turned haughty before he put that smooth mask in place. The transition was instant as he again became the considerate and refined gentleman she’d come to know him as.

You cocky, arrogant ass, Olivia stayed silent, lifting a brow in return.

She didn’t argue, admitting to herself that she wasn’t used to anyone much less a man demanding that she let him treat her with respect.

Colin held out his hand and waited patiently for her to step away from the car before closing the door softly. He turned to her, his eyes crinkling as if he was thinking of something amusing.

“It’s a membership only private restaurant, small and very exclusive. I had to pull some strings since you couldn’t make it at five. That’s why I wanted you here earlier. I asked the chef, staff, and owners to stay later tonight,” he said, opening the back door and grabbing a suit jacket.

He closed the car door and placed the small of his hand on her back. Leading her to the ornate iron double doors of the restaurant.

She stopped abruptly as the information processed, shooting him a fierce glance as he turned and looked down at her.

“Colin, I would have been happy with a fifty fourth street bar and grill! My fucking God. You didn’t have to inconvenience everyone!” she whispered hotly to him, drawing them to a sudden stop before they reached the doors. Annoyed, Olivia squeezed the bridge of her nose with her fingers, trying to breathe through the irritation.

“You brought me over an hour for spaghetti?” she just couldn’t wrap her head around it. She glanced up at him through her lashes, knowing her green eyes were narrowed but couldn’t find it in herself to care much about how he felt about her temper.

Colin stepped just slightly into her space, it wasn’t a lot, but it was enough for her to get the picture. Olivia's lips tightened in response and her eyes narrowed slightly more.

She was willing to fight in a parking lot, an hour away from home if she had to. Colin's eyes flashed back at her and she bristled, realizing again he wasn't one to back down.

“You will be happy wherever I choose to take you, Olivia. Be it a bar and grill, or a fancy expensive restaurant, a vacation to the other side of the world perhaps? I’m not sure, but you will relax yourself and enjoy our dinner and our time together tonight. Let yourself have a good time, okay?” Colin replied in his elegant smooth voice, looking down at her.

Olivia’s jaw dropped, shocked at his words. And just then her arm spasmed, almost causing her to drop her purse. She grabbed her arm in earnest, feeling the sharp burning pain there.

Olivia glanced up at him again in embarrassment before painfully placing her purse on her other arm. Her cheeks heated.

“I won’t be hopping on a plane with you anywhere, so you can just forget that right freaking now,” she whispered, attempting to get the focus off her incident.

“Are you okay?” Colin asked smoothly. His eyes flicked over her in concern and curiosity before he once again placed his warm hand on her lower back.

Olivia tensed as he smoothly slid her purse off her arm and held it in his hand, guiding her through the front doors. She was thankful he didn’t comment on her embarrassing moment, though he looked like he wanted to.

Colin chose not to comment on her outburst either, and she breathed a sigh of relief when she realized this was indeed a restaurant. And he didn’t bring her here to kill her.
