Page 20 of The Pain We Nurture

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“Yes, I’m fine. It hurts but it’s nothing serious I don't think... I hope anyways. I have a high pain tolerance. Thanks for asking,” she said before licking her lips and stepping slightly away from him. Needing space from the magnetic pull between them.

“Hmm,” his sound came across slightly judgmental, but he continued to lead them through the foyer without commenting further. He shot her another complex glance and looked up as the host greeted them warmly and led them through a lavishly decorated dining room and to another lavish, yet intimate deck where there were only four small tables. They were all decorated by glowing, flickering candles and their seat overlooked a sparkling pond that shimmered brightly in the moonlight.

Big, beautiful lights strung from beams in the air above them, lending a romantic ambiance to the serene atmosphere.

It was quiet, being enough removed from the city. The strains of beautiful classical music sounded in the peaceful air around them. Olivia had a moment of shyness, thinking that this was a very intimate, romantic situation she was in.

"This is so pretty," she whispered, giving him a smile as she waited for him to pull out her chair.

Olivia sat down gingerly in the seat Colin held out for her, managing to say thank you to him before she realized he tipped the host two hundred dollars as he shook the man’s hand. Still behind her, he reached around her to hang her purse on a hidden hook under the table.

Olivia's breath froze in her lungs as he took the opportunity to graze his nose alongside her shoulder and neck with his movement. His warm breath washed over her, and her eyes widened as she stiffened, glancing away nervously and looking at her menu. She felt her nipples become painfully hard and with effort she bit back a soft sound trying to crawl through her throat.

The words on the menu came into focus.

Fucking Italian. Dammit, she thought. She closed her eyes briefly, fighting against a wave of insecurity. Opening them, she kept her gaze averted from his as he settled into his seat.

“I’ll just take a broccoli alfredo,” Olivia said slowly, closing the menu abruptly and placing it carefully to the side.

She winced as the menu clanked against the silverware and stemware laid neatly out for them. Looking up at him in apology, she felt her face grimace slightly as she twisted her lips. “You know, this is totally not a first date place,” she nervously pulled the sleeves of her peasant dress up higher.

Colin chuckled as he smiled, reaching forward he took her menu and opened it back up, handing it to her.

“I’m glad to hear you verbally acknowledge this as a date. I’ll help you order. Follow along please,” Colin said quietly, his eyes meeting hers for longer than she was comfortable with over his menu. Looking down and away from her, he began to translate the menu in English so she could understand.

"Let's start with the appetizers on the left upper hand side," he said confidently. Olivia tore her eyes from his lips to concentrate as he began to read her the menu.

In the end she’d picked a salad course, a small charcuterie board, and a half plate of bolognese. Not knowing how much anything cost, as there were no prices next to the items listed, which really pissed her off. She didn't have control of anything and she wasn't used to that.

Looking up from her menu at the silence from across the table she leaned forward, noticing displeasure in his suddenly cool expression. She leaned back in her chair and softly ran her fingers up her bare arm, feeling her flesh pebble under the stare he’d just made her endure. Somehow icy and hot at the same time. She blinked slowly.

“What’s wrong?” Olivia asked, meeting his gaze as he sipped on the red wine their waiter served them. His eyes were studying her fingers on her arm, watching her caress herself with interest before he turned his eyes to hers again.

“There's nothing necessarily wrong. However, I encourage you to pick what you want. There’s absolutely no need to spare my wallet. I have money and I love to spend it. So, pick what you desire even if it's everything on the menu,” Colin stated simply.

He tilted his head at her as he rubbed the forefinger of his left hand that was holding his glass against his lips. He leaned back in his chair comfortably, placing an ankle over his knee before licking his full lips and giving her a sly grin.

She briefly wondered what it’d be like to kiss them. Then killed the thought as quickly as she had it.

“What do you want?” he asked, his voice holding a seductive ring to it.

Olivia’s eyes widened slightly, and she lowered them to the table in front of her, a heavy feeling suddenly coming over her and settling into her heart. She tilted her head slightly, inwardly battling emotions that she knew she could never share. With him, or anyone else.

I want my niece to be healed. I want to be an architect. I want to stop beating rich people for money every month. I want to sleep more than five hours a night for once. I want peace. But I can’t have these things. Nor wish for them, she thought, looking carefully down at the embellished menu.

But she couldn’t share this with this arrogant stranger. So, she picked something easier.

“The…the oysters. And…. maybe the duck with the fettucine,” she gave him a small smile, proud that she expressed it more calmly than she felt. Trying desperately to reduce the tremors that started somewhere deep inside.

Colin appraised Olivia over his menu, seeing the candlelight flicker on her beautiful face before reaching a hand up to motion to the waiter. Never leaving her eyes he repeated her order, and then relayed his order of lasagna, before giving the waiter both of their menus.

She squirmed under his patient gaze as he just sat there with his wine glass loose in his hand. His elbow relaxed gently on his knee, and his other hand stroked his fork ever so often. He seemed content to just stare at her. Memorizing her face.

“Um…. why aren’t you saying anything?” Olivia said, suddenly self-conscious.

Tucking a long, thick lock of hair behind her ear nervously, she waited for him to respond to her question. She put her gaze to the pretty pond next to them, sparkling in the moonlight. Her unsettled feeling magnified, and she momentarily hated that he had the power to make her feel like that.

He made her feel weak, powerless, vulnerable.
