Page 21 of The Pain We Nurture

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Olivia contemplated quietly that perhaps it was Colin's age and effortless confidence making her feel out of place. Frowning slightly, she stayed quiet. Thinking that though they did have an age gap, and it might be true statement, she had an instinctual feeling that her hackles were up due to something else she couldn't see. But she certainly felt it.

Or was it her lack of social grace? Not having hardly any opportunity in the past few years to date, or to even foster friendships that could help in this area.

“I'm being quiet because you are a woman of few words... I’m finding. At least… words that aren’t true to you. We made most of the drive in silence, did we not?” Colin explained in his elegantly cultured voice.

He continued to sit back confidently as the waiter placed the oysters in front of them before placing another wine bottle in the ice holder on their table. She shivered, knowing his words hit a spot inside of her she never let herself inspect. She swallowed another small sip of wine before picking up an oyster and then looking at him rather sheepishly.

“I'm quiet but I hope you don't think it's rude. Because it's nothing personal against you, and I don't mean to be at all, it's just how I am... I suppose," she tilted her head at him as he regarded her with a serious expression. "I can admit to you that this is entirely out of my element. I don't date, I haven't ever been on a date before, so this was a leap of faith for me. My schedule doesn't allow for any free social time," she paused and took a deep breath, surprising herself with how much she'd just shared with him.

Looking away momentarily, she gave him another tiny bit of her.

"I know... that I come across brash sometimes. Like right now, I don’t know how to eat these. I just ordered them to be difficult,” Olivia confessed with a sheepish shrug. She shivered again at his dangerous smile.

“Thank you for sharing that with me," Colin's voice carried confidently over the table as he rewarded her with his own head tilt. "And trust me when I say this, but I can tell you’re difficult. I’ll teach you how not to be,” Colin paused, continuing to hold her gaze with his.

Olivia’s lips parted at his crass words, but she remained silent for a moment, feeling herself become wet in between her legs at his confident, commanding tone. Swallowing thickly, she prayed she didn’t choke when she went to eat her dinner. She placed the back of her hand on her mouth and tried to suppress a hilarious disbelieving, nervous giggle.

"M'kay mister, whatever you say," she said breathlessly.

"Hmm-hmm," Colin hummed, his tone amused. He held her eyes as he took another sip of his wine. "You don't believe I can?"

Olivia stayed quiet. Feeling her face burning up as she removed her hand from her mouth. She rolled her lips, before chewing on them, not sure how to answer his question. Not quite believing they were talking about this.

Because she knew he most definitely could. She didn't know how she knew. But deep in her soul she knew this man had that kind of power. And it was as fucking fascinating as it was terrifying.

"How?" she taunted, throwing the words at him, baiting him.

Colin smiled a wicked grin at her, extending the silence out a little longer. He took a deep swallow of his wine and Olivia found herself riveted, watching his throat work around it.

"Como?" he chuckled and clicked his tongue, his dark eyes flashing at her. "Ah, hermosa chica are incredibly bold to ask me that," he almost purred the words at her.

Colin moved, putting his wine glass on the table and settling his fingers over the top. He caught her eye and suddenly flicked the glass hard, and Olivia jerked slightly in her seat and gasped, startled at the high echoing sound.

Colin stared at her with a rather sly grin and shook his head ever so slowly.

She bit her lip, her breathing coming slightly faster as he continued to speak.

“The how doesn't matter right now, but I think you know I can. And it'll most definitely be my pleasure when I get the chance to. But first, let’s start with the oysters. Something much simpler and easier than anything I would ever do to you,” Colin continued, his voice becoming gruff as his gaze slipped to her mouth.

Ohhhh myyy fucking God. I want him to fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me! Olivia licked her lips, feeling them tremble. She bit her lip hard to keep from shouting the words at him across the table. Her heart beat entirely too fast in her chest and she tried to get a handle on her breathing.

Colin made a low humming noise in the back of his throat and Olivia clenched at the sound, feeling that hot need burn brighter in her lower belly. Struck once again with another bewildering realization that she was incredibly attracted to his mannerisms. She trapped a moan in her throat, feeling her body swiftly catch on fire.

Colin reached forward, snagging an oyster before she could say anything.

“Tilt your head back, open your throat, chew and swallow,” he instructed, demonstrating to her with his own oyster. “Make sure you get all the oyster liquor as well, every drop,” he said, sitting back and watching her place the shell to her pink lips.

Oliva prayed she looked sexy and not juvenile as she tilted her head back like he instructed.

“Wonderful... well done, bonita,” he congratulated her in a low, pleased tone as she successfully ate her first ever oyster. Only dribbling just a tiny bit of the liquor on her chin which she quickly scooped up with a slender finger.

Olivia afforded him what he figured was a rare genuine smile as they ate in silence, only once breaking it for him to offer her more wine. To which she responded no, having already had three glasses tonight.

She found herself oddly comfortable with their shared silence, seeing that he wasn’t uncomfortable either. He seemed to enjoy sitting back and watching her eat.

Colin tilted his head as she sat back in her seat, watching the fingers of her left arm play with the sleeve of her dress. His eyes flickered to hers as she opened her mouth to speak.

"You're fluent?" she asked, letting herself be nosy. She returned his slow, sexy smile with one of her own.
