Page 59 of The Pain We Nurture

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Olivia flushed; she'd been disobedient. She was looking away, avoiding his eyes.

“A while? I mean…I can get her an apartment set up man so you don’t have to-”

“Not necessary. Would you like to say goodnight?” he asked as they exited the elevator and made a right into the hallway.

“Hey be still for a second,” Aaliyah said sharply, staring hard into the phone. “Move your head to the left.”

Olivia’s eyebrow arched as Colin smiled and moved his head slightly, giving her the view he knew she wanted.

“Yo, do just have fucking Monet’s all over the house or something, bruh?” Aaliyah said, chuckling.

“I might have a couple.”

“Anyways, as I-” Aaliyah started talking again.

“Give me the phone!” Olivia tried to reach for it but he pulled his hand away.

“No, as I was saying,” he interrupted. “Olivia has surgery in the morning and needs to be in bed. I’ll let you know tomorrow how she’s doing."

“Bye Beau, I love you, girl,” Olivia craned her neck around to try to get into the screen with him. He tilted the phone so she didn’t have to strain herself unnecessarily.

“Ok, well, let me know what the fuck is going on with you. Colin, you’ll be hearing from me. Ollie Ollie oxen free-I love you and you got this girl. I’ll be checking up tomorrow. Night,” And with that, she hung up.

Olivia gave Colin a rather pretty pout, taking her phone from him and sauntering off to her side of the bed.

"Establecerse, ahora," he said in his elegant voice, his lip curling as she raised a knee to crawl back on the mattress.

"Lo que sea," she mumbled back, scrunching her nose at him.

Colin tilted his head amused.

"Mi idioma suena bien en tu lengua, nina," he rasped back, giving her a sexy smile.

Olivia crawled back under the covers without too much fuss and accepted his possessive raunchy kiss before he resumed his spot in the lounge.

Thank God he’s not punishing me. What a day, she thought tiredly.

She checked on her sister and Alison and soon settled in between the covers and willed herself to sleep. Not feeling when Colin crawled into bed behind her an hour and a half later.

He nestled in and touched her hair, his eyes skimming her sleeping form. Content, he curled around her, following her into sleep.

Pink Bunny Fresh Victim

Olivia was grumpy when Colin woke her up at three in the morning to prepare for the procedure. She grumbled moodily, not wanting to wake up. So resigned to her early morning attitude and lack of response, he had to pick her up and walk her into the shower, pajamas and all.

After she brushed her hair and her teeth, she dressed in a very light pink strapless maxi dress with no bra. Something easy for her to pull over her head when it was over.

They drove in comfortable silence for the hour to the surgery center, listening to instrumental music along the way.

He sent the vehicle off with a valet and checked in with registration. The nurse settled them in a private room, where she had to wash down with special wipes before dressing in a hospital gown and cap. She made Colin leave for that part.

“So sexy, huh?” Olivia huffed, not appreciating looking like an invalid next to this man who’d just spent a small fortune to get her to bend to his every desire. He responded pleasantly and told her she should think of it as her investing in her future. And she hammered that into her head during the times she found herself lost in thought, thinking about some of the things she’d read in their contract.

The fact that he’d not listed much of any hard limits was a little scary. Only a safe word that was of her choosing. Implying that almost nothing was off limits, and her mind went wild with varying possibilities.

The anesthesiologist came in explaining that he might need to up her dose depending on how she fell asleep, and the possibility of her waking up on the table during the procedure. Which almost made her call off the whole thing the prospect terrified her so badly.

At Colin’s stern look, she bravely listened to the man and asked him a few questions to help soothe her mind. Grateful that Colin was there to hold her hand as the anesthesiologist ran her an IV in order to distribute her medicine.
