Page 72 of The Pain We Nurture

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Expectations vs rewards

Olivia spent the next several days beginning her day with Colin’s mouth between her legs.

Though it was embarrassing, she eventually got used to how many times they had to put fresh sheets on the bed. One morning, her curiosity got the better of her and she asked him if he had left the laundry for Beth to do. She felt self-conscious of another person knowing the intimate details of their sex life when she was barely wrapping her head around it herself. Not used to having a person in the home doing basic help.

His answer was a solid no. He washed their sheets daily himself in the king-sized washer and dryer that was stowed in a hidden room off their closet. He showed her the secret door, and her eyes went wide as she saw the personal laundry set up. Happy that he had multiple spare sets of sheets and a waterproof pad to rotate. They also made good use of their brief time off, moving Vanessa into her new house.

Olivia was a wonderful patient, healing nicely from her surgery just like the doctor promised. She only had to be reprimanded five times for doing something she wasn’t supposed to. And though it was more than he liked, Colin knew it could have been way worse, and it pleased him that she was at least trying to behave herself.

Vanessa’s new home was a beautiful, contemporary, two-story house. It boasted dark gray siding, chunky trim, two real glowing lanterns flanking a beautiful mahogany door. She had a three-car garage and gorgeous wrought-iron fence with a play area in the back for Allison. Johnathan was able to join them for a couple days, helping to unbox while Olivia couldn’t help.

She started working her way out of her sling, feeling a slight soreness from not using her arm for so long. Colin made her still sleep in her sling, however, and that irritated her. Making her moody. He took the pleasant route more often than not when she was in an irritable mood. Kissing her senseless instead of doling out a punishment like she thought he would. It endeared her to him.

Olivia found herself often craving his kisses, wondering anew how she went so long without intimacy. And Colin was affectionate and loved touching her.

Colin also surprised her by helping her do her physical therapy, making sure they got it in before he went to work in the morning. The first few days he had to go back to the office, she went with him, as he didn’t trust her arm to drive, and he’d wanted her close until he was confident that she was able to drive on her own. The habit became a beneficial one and after a couple of weeks; it was comfortable.

She was making use of the sizeable space, and his staff enjoyed having her around, often inviting her out to lunch with them. Colin went along a couple times, but would mostly stay behind at the office, trying to play catch up and was apparently working to solidify deals with other countries. Johnathan stopped by on multiple occasions to talk business, and she found his brotherly nature with Colin sweet.

Even when they cursed each other out, it was with a tinge of fondness.


It was a cool Thursday afternoon when Colin took Olivia to see Johnathan’s office for a business meeting. She almost peed her pants with excitement at Johnathan’s compound of multiple office buildings. And her eyes widened with disbelief at the expansive glass warehouse used to store luxury cars. The man was a formidable force in the car manufacturing business, apparently. And she was kicking herself for not googling them both to do more research into their business and philanthropic interests.

They were fascinating separately, but a force to be reckoned with together. She suddenly felt incredibly shy, feeling inadequate in their presence. Still in disbelief that she was plucked out of obscurity and dropped into this world she would never know.

It all felt surreal.

It solidified her motivation to make something of herself. Even if it couldn’t be at their level, she never just wanted to be regarded as that poor project that Colin found and polished up. She narrowed her eyes, watching the two men discuss a company that was based in France. Two men who were speaking French were standing with them. They hadn’t journeyed into the office yet, so she was sitting in a little seating area nearby on her phone. Minding her own business and waiting for Colin to finish up.

She noticed that one man kept turning his head to eye her curiously.

Olivia smiled politely, watching with interest as Colin side eyed the blonde man in front of him. Irritated that the man was constantly turning his attention away from him. Colin’s eyes narrowed when he saw the Frenchman had been watching her before he turned back to the man and said something in a sharp tone. Biting her lip, she grinned with a little giggle.

She twisted her lips and turned away in her seat slightly, crossing her legs and moving her head so her hair shielded her face. She concentrated on her phone, looking up current academica books on architectural studies. Sending a few of them to him with a question if she could buy them.

A minute later, Colin turned back and called Olivia’s name.

She lifted her gaze off her phone to face him, surprised. She hadn't intended for him to interrupt his discussion. That’s why she’d texted him.

Olivia raised a haughty eyebrow, staying silent. She didn't want to get involved in whatever they were talking about.

“Come here, please,” Colin ordered, his arms folded tightly. His legs were spread in a power stance.

Olivia licked her lips nervously. She didn’t want to go over there with the group and embarrass herself.

Sighing to herself, she uncrossed her legs and stood gracefully, leaving her bag and her purse in her seat. Her red bottomed heels clacked on the marble floor as she advanced to the men. The dress she was wearing covered her from her neck to her wrists, and all the way to mid-calf, but it hugged her curves almost indecently. She felt too exposed, however Colin had insisted on this outfit, telling her he wanted her in green today as he had a present for her.

Two big fat emeralds sparkled in her ears. And an eye crossing expensive watch with genuine diamonds encased her left wrist, weighing her down as she approached warily.

She tentatively held out her hand with the big diamond watch glittering, assuming they were about to do introductions. Colin’s hand reached out and snatched hers up into his before the Frenchman who had been staring at her could even raise his own.

Her mouth dropped slightly open as Colin's eyes sparkled at her before speaking. Her face heated.

Introductions? What a stupid thought, she hissed in her head.

“Doesn’t she look expensive, Francis?” Colin said, letting out a long exhale before turning cold eyes to the dark haired man who’d been eyeing her. Olivia blushed, tucking her chin in slightly. Not sure what to do, always slightly off kilter with this man.

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