Page 82 of The Pain We Nurture

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She struggled against his hold. “Sir,” she said to the man, trying to get his attention. She let out a pained noise as Colin tightened his hand on hers so hard she felt a knuckle crack.

Oops, I just called this man “Sir” after sniffing him. I must have a death wish, she thought to herself. But she ignored his tight hold and spoke to the man anyway.

“I’m so sorry for interrupting, but what scent are you wearing?” Olivia bit out through the pain in her hand. She threw Colin a filthy look.

The man grinned. “Kingsmen Premium Holy Grail,” he answered. Smiling broadly at her. Vanessa leaned in smelling him herself while Johnathan and Colin looked rather irritatingly at each other.

Vanessa gasped, her hand covering her mouth as she locked eyes with Olivia’s, whose eyes were watering.

“Well,” Olivia said, “I’m sorry to interrupt you, but we’ve been looking for that scent everywhere for years,” hhe said to the man, stepping back and pulling out her phone.

“No, that’s cool. I get mad compliments when I wear it. So, my name is Elijah and I’m with a local band here. Charles called me about two hours ago when you sang your first song. I hope that’s ok. I’m so glad I could catch you before you guys left… I almost killed myself to get here,” the man huffed out a breath.

Olivia looked him over; noticing that he did look rather disheveled, like he’d been in a rush. She turned back to her phone, typing something in.

Colin looked over her shoulder. She was searching for the man’s cologne in her search engine. He frowned.

“I’m sorry, who’s Charles?” Johnathan asked, interjecting himself into the conversation.

“Oh, my bad. Charles is the DJ here, we’re connected. My band performs all over the state and writes songs for some celebrities. We’d love it if you could come to our studio and test a song with us. My information is on the card and our social media is on there too if you want to check our work out before making a decision.”

Vanessa looked rather stunned, staying silent. She hadn’t been able to talk ever since they’d smelled the man.

“I’ll be in touch to let you know what we decide,” Johnathan said smoothly, reaching out and clasping his hand. “Thanks for coming out, man. We appreciate it.”

Colin’s eyebrows raised at how effortlessly Johnathan took over. Especially so soon after being caught up in his emotions.

“No problem, please seriously consider it Vanessa. We’d love to have you with us. You’ve got a , the man nodded at the rest of them before turning and heading to the DJ booth.

“Seriously? What is with you two?” Colin said, turning incredulous eyes to Olivia and Vanessa, who were now staring at each other again. A tear slipped down Vanessa’s cheek.

“He smells just like Dad,” Olivia said, turning her eyes to Colin. Whose eyes narrowed as he tilted his head. She turned back to Vanessa. “Sis, that has to be a sign. You gotta call them. This is like dad’s divine intervention or something!” she said, reaching forward and grasped Vanessa’s arm. Her sister looked shaken.

“Olivia, I can’t take off and join a band. What about Allison?” she said tightly. Her eyes flashed.

Olivia paled, shuffling on her feet, feeling that box of hurt start to shake violently.

“We’ll help Vanessa. Let’s just see what this is all about before we start turning down opportunities, yeah?” Johnathan said smoothly, putting his hand around Vanessa and taking the card from her, slipping it into his pocket. They walked to the vehicle and got in.

“I’m hungry again,” Vanessa suddenly said, making the car erupt in laughter.

They stopped at a local fast-food restaurant and ordered a ton of food, eating in it the car on the way back home. Olivia twisted in her seat and fed Colin bites of his burger and fries, as he wouldn’t eat and drive. She thought it was a little neurotic, how he drove and the rules he’d put on himself, but she figured a way around it. Not mentioning it, but wanting to ask.

There was something he wasn’t sharing, and it bothered her. It nagged at her that, despite the intimacy of the evening, she felt disconnected from him.

They returned to the house when Jonathan suddenly pulled out a joint, making Olivia smile. He and Colin had a long conversation about it, which Olivia and Vanessa thought was cute, before deciding to partake. They all got so trashed that Colin made Johnathan and Vanessa spend the night showing them up to the spare bedrooms and letting them sort it out. Colin carried a giggling Olivia to bed and undressed her.

I’m so thankful she isn’t the paranoid high type. Jesus that’d be awkward, he thought to himself, as he gently maneuvered her dress over her head, smiling at how her hair tumbled wildly around her.

“You feel good, baby?” Colin whispered against her mouth as he laid himself on top of her, only dressed in his pants. He didn't feel comfortable initiating sex when they were like this, especially their first time.

Olivia was drunk, high, and her arm was still bothering her. He didn’t feel like she could consent to any sexual act and didn’t even feel right asking her to. He did have morals, though loose, but they were there.

Colin breathed deeply, loving the feel of her breasts squished against his chest.

“Yes,” she giggled as he kissed and nibbled her neck. “Colin!” she said, shaking him to get his attention.

“What baby?” he said, groaning as he sucked the skin at her collarbone into his mouth.

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