Page 83 of The Pain We Nurture

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“Vanessa’s going to be famous,” she cackled with glee as if it was the funniest thing in the world.

“You are adorable when you’re inebriated,” Colin whispered, bringing his lips back to hers and kissing her-cutting off her laughter.

“Do you think they’re screwing?” Olivia moaned into his mouth, the words coming out garbled.

“You can’t hear them?” he said, pulling back and catching her eye as she panted for air. Her nipples pressed into his chest as she turned her head. Her eyes widened as she reddened.

There was muted screaming coming through the door of their bedroom. She put her fingers to her lips. “Jesus Christ, what is he doing to her that makes her sound like thaaaat?” she said through the fingers over her mouth.

Colin rested his head on her shoulder as he shook with silent laughter. Because knowing Johnathan’s background he could only imagine what was happening right now.

He probably has her strung from the ceiling fan or something stupid, he thought.

Paired with his celibacy since his wife died, he was actually feeling really sorry for Vanessa, to be honest.

He suddenly became quiet, thinking about what they could be doing to his bedroom. Eyes screwing shut, he threw himself down onto his back next to her, groaning.

“Man, my fucking bedrooooom. FUCK!” he lamented, placing his hands on his face and rubbing.

Olivia placed an arm across her chest and bit her lip. She’d come to find how much he loved his home, his assets, and didn’t like a thing out of order. The fact they were probably indeed tearing up his room made her heart tug for him.

“Come on, it can’t be that bad... can it?” Olivia said, looking at him with a teasing look in her eye.

Getting up with a groan, he turned on their fireplace and disappeared into the closet.

“What are you doing?” she called out, pulling the sheets back and getting under the covers, snuggling down deep and sighing. He reappeared a second later in pajama pants. She licked her lips and purred at the sight of his tattoos.

Colin stopped in his tracks, his pajama pants tenting at the sound coming from her.

“No,” he said roughly, standing still on the other side of the room. “You stay on that side of the bed, and I’m staying on the other side. I’m not fucking you tonight,” he bit out.

Wish I could, wish I could, wish I could, he chanted.

An offended look passed over her face. “Colin!” she whined, sitting up, her hair falling over her shoulders and breasts. “You mean to tell me my sister gets laid before I do? And I’ve known you longer!” she almost hissed at him, her green eyes flashing.

She recoiled as he rounded the bed and fisted his hand in her hair, tilting her head back to look at him.

“What did I say?” he growled down at her, his eyes narrowing at her wild ones. They stared each other down for a tense heartbeat.

Olivia felt her cheeks redden at the look on his face. “You said no. Sir,” she said between tight lips.

He nodded at her. “That’s right. You don’t dictate anything right now. Stay on your side. You’re in no state for what I have in mind for you,” he said matter-of-factly before letting her go.

She moaned and threw herself back on the pillows before rolling over away from him.

Colin got in on his side of the bed and turned away from her as well, covering his head with the pillow to drown out the sounds of Vanessa’s cries from down the hall.

Vanessa and Johnathan were both gone the next morning before they woke up and Olivia had to comfort Colin when he saw the state of the room they’d left. Olivia stood in the room with him, and her eyes roamed the snapped post of the four-poster bed, the drywall was broken in pieces out of the wall behind the headboard and the nightstand was fucked.

She rolled her lips, staying silent. Praying Vanessa was ok. She giggled and led him out the door.

Mark Her

The next few days passed by in a blur. Olivia and Colin took a plane to a neighboring country and stayed in a hotel while Colin did business, leaving her to roam the nearby stores. Olivia didn't plan to purchase anything, still uncomfortable with spending money. But she window shopped until her heart was happy.

She was currently standing on the sidewalk outside of a store, looking longingly at a pair of heels in the window display. She went inside to try them on before seeing the price. Her eyes widened in shock at the sticker price, and she put them back, telling the stylist that she changed her mind.

Walking out of the store empty-handed, she went to a café and got a cheap cup of tea, sitting at a small table on the outside patio and enjoying people watching. Enjoying that everyone walking by her was dressed so differently.
