Page 89 of The Pain We Nurture

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“Where were you trying to go?” he asked gruffly. He already knew, but he was trying to keep the conversation going to help center his emotions. His eyes scanned the road ahead.

Olivia turned her head to look at him again, her eyes sad, and wary.

“The famous Cathedral on the other side of the city. I was going to take pictures and practice measurements this week. I’m struggling on a specific design….and I thought it would h-help…I tried to tell you last night on the plane but you were busy, so I just left you alone to work,” she replied softly, bringing her hand up again to wipe an errant tear away and sniffing.

Colin squeezed her hand, knowing the small gesture was just that. Small. He knew she knew he was barely holding it in.

“Have you been taking your birth control pills every day?” he suddenly asked. He placed an elbow on the driver’s door, and stretching out his left leg, desperate to relax his body in any way possible. He was bent to the breaking point.

Colin spent a precious few seconds breathing deeply, not wanting to scare this woman.

In his mind’s eye he kept seeing the red and blue sirens from the cop vehicle flickering across his office building. A flashback quickly overtook his mind; sirens and flashing lights reflecting off broken glass littered across the black asphalt as he lay there struggling to breathe after the crash he’d caused when he was sixteen years old. Bodies being carted out in black bags, a child’s arm flopping lifelessly as they put him into a bag of his own. His breath burned in his lungs as the memory came back viciously. Unable to keep it at bay.

“Yes, every day. Why?” Olivia responded and swallowed hard, feeling his hand stroking hers deceptively soft.

He just glanced at her, giving her a wry look. Turning her face from his sharply, she glanced ahead, her cheeks going pink as his words registered.

“We’re getting straight in the shower when we get home,” he said absent mindedly, he softened his voice struggling hard with not wanting to come across harsh. “Did you eat while you were out, baby?”

She looked at him with wide eyes.

“Yes. I had a sandwich…the lady kindly got it for me while we were trying to locate my purse…” her eyes suddenly welled up. Hating feeling so small and weak next to him in this moment. She gritted her teeth to stop a sob from escaping.

“Stop it, please,” the amount of effort it was taking to not unleash himself the way he wanted to surely should be worthy of some sort of medal. The nobel peace prize maybe?

His own jaw clenched when he figured he could have hauled her back up to his office, they didn’t even have to drive home.

She doesn’t deserve that though. She hasn’t had a fuck since she was a teenager. She’s sweet, she’s special, she’s different, he looked out the side of his window, at war with himself.

But she signed the contract. She knew good and well what she signed up for. You can do whatever you want to do to her. You don’t even need a reason to hurt her the way you know you need to. She's already given you permission.

Colin shut the direction of his thoughts down quickly. Reminding himself he wasn’t a monster, and he would have control over himself. He wanted her to enjoy everything he did to her, even the pain, the way he wanted to ruin her. Make her question her very identity when she looked at herself every morning in the mirror. Knowing that wanting that was wishful thinking.

“I want you to go get the shower ready. I’m going to grab a piece of fruit before I come up. I haven’t eaten today,” he stated, causing her cheeks to go even more pink with shame. “Don’t blush, it’s not your fault.”

There’s no fucking way I could have eaten, thinking something happened to you.

“That’s all you’re going to have?” she inquired quietly as she stared at his profile. “I can warm you up some leftovers for dinner.”

Colin remained silent; the sexual tension thick between them. They pulled up to the house, pulling into the garage. He parked the car, undoing his seatbelt and stilled her from opening her car door with a hand tight on her wrist. Olivia’s green eyes met his reluctantly.

“I’m going to fuck you all night Olivia. You’re all I want. So no, I don’t need dinner,” Colin said, his voice deep and husky.

Olivia stopped breathing, excitement coloring her gaze. He let her hand go and grabbed her bag, following her into the house. He laid her bag on the countertop and jerked his head in the direction of the home elevator.

Not touching her or saying another word.

Colin bit into an apple as she walked slowly to the elevator, slipping inside, and disappearing to the top of the house.

Walking into his office he opened his drawer, taking an anxiety pill even though knowing it was going to prevent him from ejaculating for a long time. He sat there in the light of the lamp on his desk, in his office chair breathing deeply. Silently willing the memories to the back of his mind.

He didn’t need this tonight.

A few minutes later Colin walked into the bedroom and methodically ran through his nighttime routine. He put their phones on their chargers, turned the house alarm on, and started the fireplace and their surround sound. Thinking he wanted to throw her off the usual vibe, he carefully picked a sultry filthy, slow, carefully curated playlist of all men vocalists.

He was so over being gentle with her. He felt all the blood drain to his cock and cupped himself, squeezing hard around the thickness of his shaft on a grunt. Anticipation settling deep in his bones.

Taking a deep breath he stripped himself of his clothes before walking into the bathroom and joining her in the steamy, hot shower. Olivia had her back to him and was currently rinsing her hair, the wet, dark mass tumbled down her back, highlighting the dip in her waist. She jumped a little as he came up behind her, running his hands down her front from behind and pulling her to him as the first melody of the song started.
