Page 16 of The Pain We Allow

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“Olivia, I have PTSD around this issue, please just listen to me and don’t fight me on this,” he said. Her eyes widened slightly, flickering back and forth between his.

She looked away hurt.

“Would you like to talk about Allison?” Colin changed the subject smoothly. “I know yours and Vanessa's therapy appointment is going to start soon. Have you had any thoughts about what you want to do?” he put the plate of cookies aside and leaned into her lightly, placing his elbow on the cushion and leaning his head into his hand. His other hand stroked up and down her calf. He raised his eyebrow at her when she looked at him with an incredulous look.

“Excuse me? You won’t share with me but you expect me-“

“Don’t do that,” he interrupted her sternly, cocking his head at her. His fingers tightened threateningly on her leg.Olivia narrowed her eyes at him, her emotions getting the better of her.

“You’re fucking rude,” she whispered, meeting his hard gaze with one of her own.

“You’re fucking stubborn,” he growled back in answer. Leaning in slightly, his rising irritation met her indignant energy and filled up the space between them.

Olivia tried to yank her leg away from him, but his grip was too tight. She hissed at him, pushing against his chest.

“You’ve got some nerve, demanding me to give you everything and you give me nothing,” her head jerked as she tried to recoil away from him. He took his other hand and easily placed it behind her neck to still her, his big hand encompassing it and squeezing slightly.

“I give you everything,” Colin whispered harshly. His hard eyes on her wild green ones as his other hand slowly trailed up her thigh to her hip. He squeezed that in his hand too. “You have all of me baby, make no mistake. You have so much of me that you have the power to absolutely destroy me and don’t even realize it. And I think it’s time for you to give me something in return,” he growled, leaning into her face.

Olivia’s breath hitched in excitement at his words, she began to struggle anew at the raw primal hunger that was suddenly in his eyes. Before she knew it, his hands were fisted in her underwear as they pressed painfully into her flesh before tearing and falling away. He pushed her back into the sofa, ignoring her small cry as he shoved up her nightgown and off her body.

She startled as she heard the plate of cookies crash against the floor when he suddenly reared over her.

“Colin!” She yelped, as he leaned down to her breasts.

Gasping, she slapped her arms over her chest, looking up at him. She felt oddly too exposed, their harsh breathing the only sound in the room. There was no music to help, the movie hadn’t even been turned on yet. It was just them, the muted lights in the room and she felt ripped open for him. That discrepancy between them widened, making her feel somehow smaller and more vulnerable than before.

Colin turned his hard gaze to her, his hands flexing in a warning against her skin.

“Take your arms away,” he said sternly, his hands grip suddenly crushing on her hip.

She shook her head at him, biting her lip as he leaned down further, pressing his body weight into her, the width of his hips making her spread her legs wide for him. She started trembling.

“Wife, do as I say,” his voice assaulted her senses, making her crazy.

When Olivia didn’t comply, he took his hand off her hip and held her wrists together, moving her hands above her head, pressing them into the cushions. His eyes flashed warningly at her before he leaned down. She wailed and jerked as he took a sensitive nipple between his lips and bit down gently, growling as he could smell her sharp arousal flare around them. He moved to her other nipple and gave it the same harsh attention, reveling in her cries.

Ignoring her wiggling, he reached back and lowered his sweatpants below his hips, freeing his erection.

He thrust into her in one smooth motion, circling deeply and agitating her clit. She orgasmed quickly with all the stimulation. He pulled away from her nipple and looked down at her flushed face.

“Look at me baby,” he said gently, moving one hand under her lower back and pressing her up to him with each stroke. The wet sounds where they met sounded sharp in his ears, egging him on. “I’m going to give you one more, then I’m going to fuck this sweet ass of yours,” he said, holding her stare, noticing her breath hitch in embarrassment.

She turned her face into her arm as he pistoned his hips in and out, giving her perfectly measured thrusts. When she was crazy with need, he let her orgasm and pulled out, feeling her muscles drag against his heavy cock.

“Colin,” Olivia begged, her face now looking up at him. She shivered as he began to drag her juices from her opening to the puckered hole in her ass. “Colin, I’m scared.”

He leaned down and kissed her, reveling in her plump lips.

“I’ve got you,” Colin said, and suddenly a peace fell over her as she realized he meant it. She hissed and arched as he suddenly pressed, her flesh not wanting to give.

“Let me in,” he whispered. “Let me in, Olivia, you’re tearing me apart.”

Olivia let out a soulful cry as he pressed harder and she opened for him jerking against his hold. He waited, shushing her gently, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead as he inched deeper. She leaned forward suddenly and bit his pec, causing him to groan and press even deeper.

He snarled as her teeth broke the skin through the material of his shirt.

Colin took the pain growling, listening to her squeal as he sank all the way into the hilt and stilled them. They were breathing harshly. He moved, sweeping his hand from her shoulder down her side to her knee and back up, soothing her. He gently moved her head back from her hard bite on his shoulder.

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