Page 102 of Undeniably Convenient

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“I second that one,” her mom, Grace says. I’ve gathered a girl squad for this. One mention of a hot Valentine’s Day date and they all came running. I have Layla, Wren’s mom, Grace, Kenna and Keegan’s mom, Amelia, and Tinsley and her mom, Fallon, here. We’ve taken over my aunt Aurelia’s—who owns a fashion house under the name of Lia Sage—design studio.

“If you don’t like that one, I have three more for you to try on,” Aurelia offers, examining the outfit with a critical, designer’s eye. “Though I do have to say, the lines fit you perfectly, and I’m inclined to agree about the boobage.”

“Ugh.” I adjust the black velvet thing that calls itself a dress and turn back to the three-sided mirror in the changing area. “Why am I doing this again? I hate Valentine’s Day.”

“You’re just worried Bennett’s going to propose,” Layla teases, and I freeze, as does everyone else.

I slowly spin back around, my eyes wider than a full moon. “The fuck did you just say?”

Layla blinks back at us, stunned by our reactions. “What? Like none of you thought about that. The dude literally told her he wants to take her somewhere romantic tonight for dinner.”

“Uh, yeah,” Amelia agrees, twirling a lock of her red hair. “I totally thought that too.”

“Yep,” Grace chimes in as she bites the head off a gummy worm. “But I’ll be honest, if he proposes to you tonight, that’s a bit cliché.”

“Mom!” Wren protests. “You can’t say that. What if he does?”

“He’s not going to,” Fallon states adamantly, always levelheaded and the voice of reason. “That’s too predictable, and I get the impression Bennett likes to keep you on your toes.”

“But maybe he’s going to propose for that very reason. He doesn’t think she’ll think he’s that conventional, so he’ll throw her off her game by actually proposing.”

“Layla!” I screech. “Do you know something I don’t?”

Her hands fly up. “No, I swear.”

I shake my head. “No one is proposing tonight. I won’t be that pregnant girl. I love Bennett, but I don’t need him to marry me, and certainly not because I’m pregnant.”

“Slay, queen!” they all shout, raising their glasses of champagne—which is just cruel, if you ask me—and clinking them. They’re already eating all kinds of candy I can’t. I appreciate the solidarity, but candy and champagne around the pregnant diabetic girl. Really?

“Okay,” Aurelia calls out, snapping all the drunk and sugared-up women back to task. “Next dress. Try on the pink one.”

I snort as I pull off the black one and wiggle into the pink one. “Do you think if I put this on, Bennett will know it’s a girl?”

Keegan shoots to her feet so fast she nearly topples over. “You told us you didn’t know.”

I give her a sly grin in the reflection of the mirror. “I might have lied.”

“Are you freaking kidding me?!” Layla and Kenna shout.

“You’re having a girl, and you didn’t tell us?!” Layla finishes indignantly.

“Or Bennett?” Fallon chimes in.

“Slow your roll. I’m just kidding. Well, sort of. I am having a girl, but I only just found out this afternoon,” I admit, adjusting the pink one and twisting this way and that until it’s fully on. The drapey silk neckline gives a hint of cleavage without revealing too much, and the bodice hugs the curve of my belly so perfectly I actually sigh when I see it. So does everyone else. “I went in for more blood work and the tech asked me how my girl is treating me. It must be in my chart from my genetic screening, but we asked not to be told during our ultrasounds.”

Everyone is silent, and when I turn back around, they’re all the spitting image of that soft, smiling, misty-eyed emoji.

“We’re having a girl?” Keegan wails. “I’m so happy it’s a girl. I’m having a niece.”

Instantly I’m surrounded, getting hugs and belly rubs from all sides. It’s the best. It’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of when I first imagined getting pregnant. My baby is going to be surrounded by love. By women and men who adore her.

And naturally, because I’m pregnant and a hormonal mess, I start to sob. Then again, who am I kidding? I would have been sobbing anyway.

We all decide on the pink dress paired with some awesome sparkly heels. The girls work on my hair and makeup, and by the time I leave Aurelia’s studio, I’m more of a goddess than I typically am. Layla drives me across town to the address Bennett gave her, and when I arrive, it’s…

“A hotel?”

She shrugs. Smiles. “Have a great night.”

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