Page 103 of Undeniably Convenient

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I roll my eyes but lean across the console of her car to hug her. “You totally know stuff.”

“I know nothing, Jon Snow. For real, I love you and I’m so excited we’re having a girl.”

“Me too. Don’t tell Uncle Cal yet, okay?” I pull back. “I want to tell him tomorrow at family dinner.” That’s something we’ve started doing. On Sundays, we have dinner with Paula, Callan, and Layla. I swallow thickly, starting to get emotional once again. “I don’t remember a lot about my parents,” I start, staring down at my hands. “But I want to name the baby Willow after my mom. What do you think?”

She lifts my chin with her hand. “I think that’s beautiful. I never met your parents, but as a mom speaking to a future mom, I know she’s so fucking proud of you, Katy. You’ve become an incredible woman. A brilliant doctor. And you’re going to make the best mom. Just like yours was.”

“Just like you are too,” I sob, because even though I opened this can of worms, I didn’t think she’d take this to the next level like that.

We hug again and I wipe beneath my eyes until they’re smudge-free, and then I climb out of her SUV, heading into the hotel lobby. A doorman whisks me into an elevator and then shoots me up twelve floors to the rooftop that’s glowing with twinkling fairy lights and candles. Bennett is standing right before the doors, wearing a goddamn charcoal gray suit with a white shirt and a black tie.

His eyes bulge when he sees me, and for a moment, he doesn’t do anything other than take me in line by line, unhurried in his perusal, his gaze growing more heated with every passing second. Finally, once his eyes meet mine, he gives me a wicked grin and adjusts the bulge in his pants.

So crude but wickedly hot.

He steps forward and takes my hand, pulling me into his hard chest. “God, you’re stunning.” His hand runs over my bump, feeling our baby, who never fails to give him a kick whenever he touches her or speaks to her.

Speaking of… “I have something I have to tell you.”

“Excellent. Tell me over dinner.” He plants a kiss on my lipstick-lined lips and then walks me into the glowing room. There’s a table set up in the center, complete with white linens, a vase filled with red roses, and beautiful china and crystal.

“What on earth are we doing here?” I can’t help but ask with a laugh. This isn’t us. We’re not fancy. Yes, I love my dresses and cute shoes, but we don’t typically do fancy restaurants. We—and by we, I mean him—try to cook as often as we can, and if we go out, it’s someplace casual.

This hotel is a downtown swanky affair overlooking the Public Gardens, and he’s rented out the entire rooftop.

“We’re here because it’s stupid Valentine’s Day.” He kisses my lips and helps me into my chair. “And because you never let me spoil you the way I’d like, this was an opportunity to woo you over a lavish, romantic dinner and then fuck you like a man obsessed down one level in the presidential suite I reserved for us for the night.”

I flush and immediately take a sip of my water. In addition to far too many emotions, I am, simply put, a horny bitch. My orgasms are many and intense and so fucking splendid, I legit wake Bennett up in the middle of the night by sitting on his face. He’s a good sport about waking up to a pussy suffocating him, but I can’t help it. Sometimes it’s like I need an orgasm and I need it now, and he’s so good at delivering them.

“You had me at fucking me like a man obsessed.”

He winks at me. “I thought I would.” The waiter comes over and refills my water and then gives me some bubbly pink concoction. I throw Bennett an eyebrow that the waiter must pick up on, because he says, “It’s a mocktail, miss.”

“Thank you.” I take a sip, and it’s delicious.

He hands us both our menus and then gives us a minute while promising to return shortly with bread. Thank God! My blood sugars have been in decent control, and since this is a special night, I intend to eat all the bread. My endocrinologist didn’t put me on a pump, though we did strongly consider it. Instead, he has me on a tight leash with shots, and I send him my glucose levels every three days.

So far, I’m healthy and the baby is healthy, and I can’t ask for anything more.

“I know you said you have something to tell me, but I should tell you something first.”

I pan my hand in his direction. “The floor is yours.”

“Tomorrow we’re leaving for a week.”

I fall back in my seat. “What exactly does that mean? Leaving?”

“It means I’ve booked us at a resort in the Bahamas for a week. Sun, sand, warmth, water, bikinis.”

I shake my head. “What about?—”

“Well, I told Evan that since you officially earned the fellowship, I wanted to take you somewhere special to celebrate. That, and you’ve never taken any of your vacation days, so you’re more than due.”

I shoot out of my chair, the thing toppling back and smacking on the floor. “Bennett Lawson!”

He stands too, albeit slower than I did, and walks around the table to take my hands. “You got the fellowship, Katy baby. Formal announcements are coming in two weeks, but it’s yours. Evan told me last week. You can’t say anything to the fellow applicants, but the moment I heard, I planned all this to tell you.” His arms wrap around my waist, and he pulls me against him, my belly bumping his. “I’m so fucking proud of you. Look how incredible you are. I’m in awe of you. You amaze me.”

“You’ve been holding out on this for a week?!”
