Page 86 of Fire & Frenzy

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“What is it you do?” Willa asked me, breaking the momentary silence.

It was a clear attempt to change the conversation, so I went with it willingly. “I’m a virtual interior designer. Clients send me photos of a room or a house they want to redesign and give me ideas about their desired aesthetic. I three-dimensionally model the space and include product listings for them to purchase and put them in touch with contractors for paint or other modifications. If they like what they see, they just make a few phone calls and buy a few things and soon they have the exact space I’ve designed for them.”

“I could use that kind of thing for our kitchen remodel,” Joni said. “I’m struggling hard with the space.”

“I’ll help you,” I offered.

“Really?” Joni asked, her face lighting up. “That would be incredible.”

I smiled. “Yeah, absolutely. It can be daunting when you know what you like when you see it, but you’re not really sure how to bring it all together. That’s where I come into play.”

“Exactly.” Joni nodded. “We bought a fixer-upper and it’s been a cool experience bringing the house back to life. I feel like I had a pretty good grasp on the rest of the house, but the kitchen…”

“The kitchen is also the hearth of the home,” Brooklyn said. “When that space is wrong or incongruent, you never want to spend any time in there.”

“Not all of us want a state-of-the-art kitchen,” Mia joked with Brooklyn.

Brooklyn snorted. “My work follows me home. I’m contemplating redoing one of the counters to be a massive butcher’s block.”

“I don’t think Slash would mind,” Sutton said as she pulled her brown hair up into a messy ponytail. “That man is crazy about you.”

Brooklyn grinned. “He is, isn’t he?”

“When are we firing up the grill?” Willa asked. “I’m starving.”

“How’s the morning sickness, Willa?” Brooklyn asked.

“Gone. Now I’m just hungry all the time,” Willa said.

I raised my brows at Willa. “I had no idea you were pregnant.”

Willa grinned. “Well, I’m not going to go up to strangers and say, Hi, I’m Willa. I’m growing a fetus. Kind of a weird introduction, don’t you think?”

I chuckled. “Little bit.”

Willa looked at Duke with a dreamy expression flitting across her face. I’d noticed most of the women looking at their biker spouses with the same kind of facial expressions.

I couldn’t stop my gaze from seeking out Smoke’s.

His eyes were already on me.

The back door slamming shut pulled my attention. Two women strode across the lawn toward us. One was a blonde sporting an adorable pixie cut and the other was…

“Rachel?” I yelled in surprise.


Before I knew it, the two of us were running toward each other.

“Oh my God,” I breathed. “What are you doing here?”

“Me?” Rachel asked with a laugh as we began to walk back toward the group. “What about you?”

“Wait, they know each other?” Mia said to Joni. “This is wild.”

“So wild,” Joni agreed.

“Rachel used to date my brother Chase,” I explained.

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